Which object melts the most in a microwave?
Big Question Which object melts in the microwave the most?
Explanation of the big question I am going to test which object melts the most when you put it under heat from the microwave.
My Hypothesis I think that butter will melt the most in the microwave.
Explanation of the hypothesis I think butter will melt the most because it is so easy to cut when it is warm
5-8 interesting facts 1.All my objects change shape 2.All my objects are food besides the crayon 3.My objects will be uncovered when in the experiment 4.My objects can blow up under a certain amount of pressure 5.The microwave will be on high power 6.All my objects will change shape under 1 min.
Materials 1.Butter 2.Crayon 3.Hot dog 4.Marshmallow 5.Cheese 6.Microwave 7.Paper Plates 8.Ruler
Procedures 1.Collect materials 2.Put object on paper plate 3.Measure how tall the object is 4.Stick in microwave 5.Cook for or 30 seconds or 1 minute 6.Take out object 7.Measure how tall object is 8.Write down all the info
Variables 1.I can change the time I put it in the microwave 2.I can change what I stick in the microwave 3.I can change how long I let it cool 4.I can change how tall the object is
4-5 observations 1.Most of them moved 2.They mostly expanded 3.All objects did something 4.The crayon burnt the plate 5.The marshmallows expanded
Data( measured in centimeters)
Analysis of Data The marshmallow after 30 seconds changed from 1 cm. to ½ cm The marshmallow after 1 min. changed from 1cm. To 1 ½ cm The hot dog after 30 seconds changed from 2cm to 1 ½ cm. The hot dog after 1 minute did not change from 2 cm. The butter after 30 seconds changed from 3 cm to 4/5 cm. The butter after 1 minute changed from 3 cm to 1/10 cm. The cheese after 30 seconds did not change from 1 ½ cm The cheese after 1 minute changed from 1 ½ cm to 1 2/5 cm The crayon after 30 seconds did not change from 4/5 cm. The crayon after 1 minute changed from 4/5 cm. to 1 ½ cm The pattern in this experiment is that under 30 seconds they barley change or not change at all. The experiment tested my experiment because I did butter in the microwave and my experiment proved it to be correct
Conclusion In conclusion my hypothesis was correct because I guessed that the butter would melt most in the microwave. My experiment answered my big question successfully. I would change the results if I could change something. I don’t know why some did change shape but not size.
References 1. lhttp:// l 2. /microwaveoven.htmlhttp:// /microwaveoven.html 3. mil.net/news/articles/ asphttp://redcloud.korea.army- mil.net/news/articles/ asp 4. 6http:// 6