Chapter 5: The Internet Section II: Using Research and Communication Tools to Enhance Instruction
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Learner Objectives At the completion of study, learners will be able to: –define Internet-related terms –explain differences between Internet and Web –identify the services available on the Web –explain the options for connecting to the Internet and the advantages and disadvantages of each option –use search tools for information-gathering on the Web –apply knowledge of “netiquette”, ethics, and safety on the Web
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Learner Objectives, cont’d At the completion of study, learners will be able to: –evaluate educational web sites –review lessons that integrate the use of the Internet to enhance the curriculum –plan and develop a student-centered inquiry-based lesson that uses the Internet as a tool for learning –identify tools and techniques to increase accessibility to web-based materials
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Frameworks: What we know... The Internet consists of many computers world- wide that are linked to each other. Growth is continual –Internet World Stats (2006, November)Internet World Stats (2006, November) Users worldwide exceeded 1 billion Users in US and Canada exceed 231 million Highest # of users in the US (20% of world total) Schools are connected –NCES, National Center for Educational StatisticsNCES, 100% of public schools have some kind of connection in instructional or other areas 95% connected by broadband Connections vary by location (city, urban fringe, town, rural) of school
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Teacher Uses of Internet Teachers can increase their productivity, and efficiency by using the research and communication tools provided by the Internet. Research and development –Information sources –Publications, tutorials Communication – , listservs, discussion groups, newsgroups, chats, blogs –Authoring websites for students, parents or teachers Instruction –Lesson preparation –Teacher utility programs –WebQuests (inquiry-based, problem-solving) –Developing inquiry-based & project-based learning
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Student Uses of Internet Students can increase their productivity, and efficiency by using the research and communication tools provided by the Internet. Research and development –Information gathering to solve problems –Online tutorials –Searching (teachers: use caution with student searching) Communication –Talking with experts –EPALS –Constructing web sites Instruction –Increased access to information –Project-based: Collaborative, Real-time –WebQuests (inquiry-based, problem-solving) –Virtual field trips
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Connecting to the Internet Essentials to connect to the Internet: Computer & Connection –Must have a modem (internal or external) ISP (Internet Service Provider) –ISP finder at –Look for services offered by ISP such as... No contract Multiple accounts Enticing start-up plans Free modem installation Antivirus software Support is offered 24/7 Software –Browser
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Choosing Your Connection Determines how quickly information can be uploaded and downloaded to the desktop. Dial-up connections –Basic dial-up Most common Cheapest Slowest Uses modem and phone-line –ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) High speed dial-up Twice as fast as 56K modem Uses a dedicated phone line Is being replaced by broadband connections
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Choosing Your Connection Get the fastest connection that is available with the budget that you have. Broadband connections –DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) uses phone lines –Digital Cable uses cable lines –Satellite Internet used in rural areas where DSL is not available –Fixed wireless available in some areas
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Navigating the Web The Internet is composed of different services. World Wide Web is the largest service on the Internet Consists of web pages Identified by a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Written in HTML: Hypertext Markup Language Viewed through browser software Navigated using hyperlinks Web pages reside on a server Pages are uploaded to the server (by the designer) and downloaded to the desktop (by the reader) Cache temporarily space on HD that holds the pages that are viewed
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Searching the Web Know the search tool and its capabilities: Search Engines Use programs called spiders or robots Best choice when most results are needed Do not offer directories Examples: Alta Vista, Hot Bot, Google Subject Directories Offer subject directories or indexes Hand-picked by humans Examples:, Yahoo Meta-search engines Search several indexes at once Use keywords Examples: Dogpile, Mamma
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Searching the Web, cont’d Terms that are basic to searching successfully: Query Hit Operators: assist the search –Boolean operators (or, not, and) allow more precise searching –Wildcards: * allows truncation of root butter* would find buttermilk, butterfly, buttercup –Modifiers: (+ – “ “ ) allow more precise searching
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Communicating on the Web Communication may be asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous communication –Occurs at random times – , listservs, discussion forums, newsgroups, blogs –Lists are 1) moderated or 2) open –Wikis –File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Synchronous communication –Occurs at the same time –Instant messaging, or chats
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Ethics & Safety Ethics involves the the appropriate and responsible use of the computer networks……….and Internet. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): serves as a guide for use and should include: –Description of instructional philosophy –Statement that states that Internet use is a privilege –Statement of educational use and advantages –List of responsibilities of teachers, students and parents –Standards of behavior that lists acceptable and unacceptable –Description of consequences of violation –Disclaimer absolving the school –Signature lines for teachers, students and parents
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Copyright & Fair Use Copyright laws govern the use of information downloaded from the Web such as.... –Images –Video and Audio Clips –Lesson plans –Papers When are teachers protected by Fair Use laws? –Educational purposes involving no profit –Used in the classroom environment ONLY –Not published... in print or online Review the Copyright links at On the Web: Internet
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Plagiarism What is plagiarism? –Turning in someone’s work as your own –Exact language without a quote or citing What are papermills? How often is plagiarism a problem? Go to
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Basics: Safety for Your Computer Malware is short for malicious software. The following are different types... – Viruses –Worms –Trojan horses –Macro-viruses –Spyware –Cookies (not always bad)
Section II: Using Research & Communication Tools to Enhance Learning Chapter 5: The Internet Questions????