“What in the world is a… And, no offense…but why should I care?” Presenter: Tischann Nye Instructional Technology Coach
Wiki means Quick in Hawaiian
A wiki is an easy-to-use free web page that multiple people can edit.
In the classroom, a wiki is a free tool that can empower every student to participate in group projects.
Converse Post ideas Respond Forum Write Publish Comment Create Publish Comment Converse Post Ideas Respond Share Edit Collaborate Engage Blog Wiki Three great ways to communicate with students, faculty, peers, parents
YOU control who sees your wiki You set the password. You choose who participates.
You have a history of every edit You are notified of every change You can return your wiki to an earlier version You are in control
Wikis are Free and Easy to set up No IT department is needed!
Simply create a password and begin
Set it up and it works just like typing in Microsoft Word
Just like creating a Word document Easily insert Images and Video Just click and begin
Post a picture or a video in three easy steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 – You’re Done!!!
You can make information easily available to teachers, students, and parents. With easy to use plugins you can create a calendar.
Quickly create new pages Templates designed with educators in mind Unlimited pages for free educator wikis!
For more ideas check out the PBwiki educator page. You can find tips, suggestions, templates and a community of fellow teacher users. And please don’t forget your tech coach resource!
Make a free wiki as easily as a Peanut butter sandwich.
Educator wikis are free, fast and ready to use. Create one now at