INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEAFOOD Mauritius 02 – 03 March, 2006 Government Strategies for the Seafood Hub Presented by Mr. Daroomalingum MAUREE
Strategy 1 To maximize benefits from the fishing activities and landings of tuna fleet operating in the region To maximize benefits from the fishing activities and landings of tuna fleet operating in the region Major tuna commercial catches worldwide Succinct Outlook
Major tuna commercial catches worldwide Region% Pacific WC 65% Indian Ocean 21% Atlantic & Others 14% Total100%
Succinct Outlook Value of landings ex-vessel price stands around 2 – 3 billions Euros Value of landings ex-vessel price stands around 2 – 3 billions Euros % of catches of SWIO from Indian Ocean catches is 30%, representing nearly metric tonnes % of catches of SWIO from Indian Ocean catches is 30%, representing nearly metric tonnes Tuna fishing fleet in the SWIO Tuna fishing fleet in the SWIO EU – 41 Purse seiners; 49 longliners Non-EU (Mauritius) – 175 longliners Under bilateral agreements: Under bilateral agreements: Seychelles (10 Purse Seiners; 20 longliners) Madagascar – In pipeline Mozambique – MoU Calling vessels at Port Louis Calling vessels at Port Louis - 727
Strategy 2: An effective and efficient operating environment Political stability Political stability Good governance Rule of Law Strategic location (cross-roads to trade routes among 4 continents – Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia) Strategic location (cross-roads to trade routes among 4 continents – Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia) An attractive investment location An attractive investment location Streamlining of investment procedures (Fast Track Committee Chaired by Prime Minister) Streamlining of investment procedures (Fast Track Committee Chaired by Prime Minister) Ensuring an excellent service to operators (One Stop Shop and Electronic Platform, Ensuring confidentiality of data) Ensuring an excellent service to operators (One Stop Shop and Electronic Platform, Ensuring confidentiality of data) World Class Infrastructure for seafood World Class Infrastructure for seafood Modern, Efficient and Business Friendly Port Modern, Efficient and Business Friendly Port Excellent ancillary seafood related services Excellent ancillary seafood related services Preferential Market Access Preferential Market Access
Mauritius - A strategic Location for the Seafood hub
The Port Louis Harbour
Strategy 3: Marketing the Seafood Hub Aggressive promotion of the Mauritian Seafood Hub on the international scene with a view to: Aggressive promotion of the Mauritian Seafood Hub on the international scene with a view to: attracting more investors; creating awareness about Mauritius as a seafood hub and establish contacts with global players from Europe, USA, South America, and Asia; and ensuring that a growing sector will support an expanding and competitive range of service industries in the hub
Strategy 4: Committed to observing and enforcing the decisions of relevant regional fisheries management organizations and international fisheries agreements to ensure effective conservation, management and development of aquatic resources - IOTC - CCAMLR - FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries - Agreement for the implementation of provisions of the UNCLOS relating to conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks - Agreement to promote compliance with international conservation and management measures by fishing vessels on the high seas - SWIOFC/SWIOFP The DVS, the Competent Authority, ensures that all sea food processors operate in accordance with the highest international standards including EU norms and requirements The DVS, the Competent Authority, ensures that all sea food processors operate in accordance with the highest international standards including EU norms and requirements SABS SABS
Overall Strategy Increase the present export market share of canned tuna to the Western/Northern EU from 8% to 20% and on the world market from 4% to 8% Increase the present export market share of canned tuna to the Western/Northern EU from 8% to 20% and on the world market from 4% to 8% Attract at least one additional tuna processing/canning plant Attract at least one additional tuna processing/canning plant Double number of fishing vessels calling at Port Louis Double number of fishing vessels calling at Port Louis Attract additional companies to carry out fish farming activities in Mauritius Attract additional companies to carry out fish farming activities in Mauritius Strategic partnership with processors and wholesalers in the region for the supply of high value added seafood namely prawns, crabs, lobsters Strategic partnership with processors and wholesalers in the region for the supply of high value added seafood namely prawns, crabs, lobsters Design the brand “Made in Mauritius” to indicate to the world Seafood Consumers of our top quality seafood products. Design the brand “Made in Mauritius” to indicate to the world Seafood Consumers of our top quality seafood products.
Conclusion We have the necessary commercial, legal, institutional and enabling environment to transform Mauritius as an ideal destination for seafood activities We have the necessary commercial, legal, institutional and enabling environment to transform Mauritius as an ideal destination for seafood activities We are committed to meeting the ever rising market driven demand of the EU communities for tuna products and also for specific niche markets in the US and Japan. We are committed to meeting the ever rising market driven demand of the EU communities for tuna products and also for specific niche markets in the US and Japan.
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