Shetland Aquaculture David Sandison General Manager
Our Role Forum for addressing local, national and international issues Provides collective services to members Taking lead in implementation of the new fin fish Code of Good Practice Partner working with NAFC/SSQC to provide support services for industry
Our Role Acting as a regional office for the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation – new structure developing Encouraging investment in aquaculture in Shetland as a key element of the economy
Salmon Production About 30% of all farmed salmon produced in the UK 2005 – 32,022 tonnes gutted weight 2006 estimate – 36,000 tonnes 2007 estimate – 38,000 tonnes
Industry Value Farm gate value in 2005 – £88 million Generating at least the same turnover again for processors etc in the UK
Organic Cod Production Extensive development since 2001 Major investment of £25 million over the last 2 years Processing for the market from May – 800 tonnes 2007 – 2,000 tonnes 2008 – 4,500 tonnes Aim to introduce a different product at a premium price
Other Species Halibut output potentially 100 to 130 tonnes in 2007 Sea Trout – 120 to 150 tonnes per annum Rainbow Trout – trials very encouraging – 100 tonnes in 2005
Seafood Shetland Ruth Henderson Chief Executive
Our Membership Fish processors and Shellfish growers
Our Role Providing promotion, marketing and public relations support Attending to various issues on behalf of members Supplying financial support to encourage exports
We Are Shareholder in Shetland Seafood Auctions and Shetland Fish Products Represented on the board of NAFC Marine Centre Appointed to various committees as needs arise Closely linked to SIC, Shetland Enterprise and many other public bodies
Species Processed Europe’s largest pelagic processing factory – herring and mackerel Salmon Whitefish Shellfish – capture and aquaculture
Value of Industry Mussels Production tonnage mussels (2005): 2,150 tonnes Approx value (2005): £2.5 million More than 50% Scottish production Other species Approx value (2005): £125 million
Shetland Fishermen’s Association Shetland Fish Producers’ Organisation
About Us Two distinct but complementary organisations Representing the interests of the fish catching sector Both operating from the Seafood Centre with common administrative team
Our Team - SFA Hansen Black, chief executive James Anderson, chairman Executive committee – 17 fishermen Sub committees – pelagic, whitefish and small boat
Our Team - SFPO Brian Isbister, chief executive Victor Laurenson, chairman Board of directors – 12 fishermen
SFA Role Acts primarily as a pressure group representing the views of members to all levels of government Actively involved in discussions in Shetland, Edinburgh and Westminster Parliaments and also within the European Union
SFA Role Diversity of membership reflected by separate sub committees representing pelagic, white fish and small boat interests Association policy is determined by annually-elected executive committee
Associated Organisations Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation Shetland Fishermen’s Trust Scottish Fishermen’s Federation SFF Services Ltd NAFC Marine Centre SOTEAG
SFPO Role Established in 1982 Original role to administer EU market support system More recently, has become closely involved in management of fisheries through operation of the sectoral quota system
SFPO Role Instrumental in purchasing substantial quantity of fish quota on behalf of its membership Marketing role – led to significant investment in both processing and marketing ventures to market Shetland fish worldwide Policies determined by board of directors representing member vessels
Landing Statistics 2003/05 Pelagic Fisheries 2005 Tonnes 2004 Tonnes 2003 Tonnes Whitefish Fisheries 2005 Tonnes 2004 Tonnes 2003 Tonnes NS Herring25,07111,38511,578NS Haddock 2,9793,1723,323 WC Herring3,2113,1373,158NS Whiting WC Mackerel 30,68543,67043,734NS Saithe NS Horse Mackerel 000NS Monkfish 1,3271, WC Horse Mackerel NS Cod NS Sandeels 000Other NS Stocks Blue Whiting 34,23917,6758,624All West of Scotland A-Scandian Herring 04,2854,895All Faroese
Profile of Shetland Fleet 8 pelagic vessels, 60-74m RSW tank ships 21 whitefish vessels, predominantly 20+m trawlers/seiners 110 shellfish vessels, 6-17m SFA – 85 active vessels in membership (all sectors)
Profile of Shetland Fleet SFPO – 36 vessels in membership (whitefish and pelagic) Representing approx 250 fishermen SSMO – 110 vessels permitted to fish shellfish
Turnover 2005 Pelagic - £29 million Whitefish - £10 million Shellfish - £4 million
Marketing Investments in fish processing: –42% shareholding in Shetland Catch Ltd –14% shareholding in Shetland Fish Products Investments in marketing: –26.46% shareholding in Shetland Seafood Auctions Ltd
Quota Management SFPO has effective management control over ‘Shetland’s’ share of UK Quota Stocks in the following sea areas: –North Sea – 24 whitefish, 5 pelagic –West of Scotland – 13 whitefish, 4 pelagic –Faroese – 6 whitefish –Deep water – 11 stocks –Iceland – 1 stock –Area 7 – 24 whitefish stocks
Quota Management SFPO manages an extensive portfolio of quota stocks on behalf of both its members and the Community
Value of Seafood to Shetland Direct Value AgricultureOil (terminal and supply services) Seafood Output£13m£62m£189m Exports1%27%65% FTEs2%4%12%