ARAMARK HIGHER EDUCATION GREENTHREAD PILLARS Environmental Stewardship We have a deep respect for and commitment to protecting and improving the environment. We work to reduce our environmental footprint while delivering exceptional operational results. We also offer expertise and practical solutions to our clients to help them reduce their environmental impacts. Throughout our company, we develop and implement long-term environmental stewardship programs and policies within the areas of: Food Purchasing Supply Chain Building Operations Energy and Water Conservation Transportation & Waste Management
ARAMARK HIGHER EDUCATION GREENTHREAD PILLARS Sustainable Food: Local, Organic, Sustainable Certified, Natural, etc. Waste Management: RecycleMania, Zero Waste, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Composting, Tray-Less Dining Responsible Procurement: Environmentally Sensitive Purchasing Decisions Energy & Water Conservation: Reduction, Technical Solutions, Renewable Energy, etc. Transportation: Minimization, Alternative Fuels, Mass Transportation, Maintenance, etc.
Focused on Advocacy Aligned with our Green Thread Implemented Nationally A Time Bound Commitment Measurable and Meaningful Environmentally Responsible What is a GREEN STAKE?
Green Stakes: Implemented in 2009 … Completed by 2010 We will implement an Energy & Water Conservation program at every site We will purchase only paper products with recycled content We will implement Daily Green cleaning products We will divert 100% of our fryer oil waste We will increase our level of sustainable food offerings, with a yearly growth goal 75% 50% 65% 75% 5% FY09 Goal
ARAMARK has made a commitment to help preserve the world’s oceans and fisheries through a partnership with Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, which will guide company practices of supply, purchase and consumption of sustainable seafood. Seafood Watch Through Seafood Watch, the Monterey Bay Aquarium recommends which seafood to buy and which to avoid, helping consumers become stronger advocates for an environmentally friendly seafood supply.