County Organizational Chart Citizens of St. Mary’s County Commissioners of St. Mary’s County County Administrator Aging & Human Services Economic Development.


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Presentation transcript:

County Organizational Chart Citizens of St. Mary’s County Commissioners of St. Mary’s County County Administrator Aging & Human Services Economic Development FinanceHuman Resources Land Use & Growth Management Emergency Services & TechnologyPublic Information OfficePublic Works & Transportation Recreation & Parks County Attorney

Director Economic Development Deputy Director Business Development Manager Frozen Business Development Coordinator Contract Services for Business Retention & Technology Business Development Tourism Manager Sr. Administrative Coordinator Agriculture & Seafood Manager Sr. Administrative Coordinator

DIVISION of AGRICULTURE & SEAFOOD  Farmers’ Markets  North St. Mary’s County Market  California Farmers’ Market  Home Grown Farm Market  Southern Maryland Meats  Loveville Produce Market  Clover Hill Dairy  Agriculture Services Center  Land Preservation Land Preservation = 21,561 acres MALPF11,226 acres Transferable Development Rights4, 106 acres Rural Legacy3,587 acres MD Environmental Trust2,339 acres MD Historical Trust303 acres Protect Rural Heritage & Promote Sustainable Agricultural Businesses

Increase the Economic Impact of Travel & Tourism Activities DIVISION of TOURISM & HOSPITALITY Operations and Programs Marketing Public Relations & Communications Information Distribution Product Development Industry Development & Support Regional Tourism Partnerships

Division of Business Development Promote the County’s Competitive Advantages & Increase the Tax Base Business Counseling Demographic, Marketing & Economic Data St. Mary’s Sites E-Business Newsletter

Technology Commercialization Enhance Opportunities for Technology Commercialization & Entrepreneurship Technology Handbook Southern Maryland Innovation & Technology SO MD Technology Commercialization Pilot Project

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Broadening the Economy Newly appointed 13 member Economic Development Commission Monthly meetings, public briefings and consultant lead focus groups Plan to be drafted by the spring of 2015 Public hearings hosted by the EDC and Commissioners prior to adoption Encouraging Non-Navy Work Unmanned & autonomous systems - UMD Fabrication & rapid prototyping Small scale manufacturing Technology commercialization

Thank You!!!!