Smart Snacks 101 Getting Ahead
2004 Local Wellness Policies 2006 Alliance Competitive Food & Beverage Guidelines 2007 IOM Standards 2010 Healthy Hunger- Free Kids Act 2013 Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards
Entire school campus
SMART SNACKS IN SCHOOL NUTRITION STANDARDS Vending Machines A la CarteSnack Carts School Stores Fundraising
School Day Only No Limit on Products that Meet Exemptions set by State Agencies a FUNDRAISERS
Non-Grain Food Group Whole Grain 10% DV of certain nutrients (until July 1, 2016) Combination Food a GENERAL STANDARDS FOR COMPETITIVE FOODS MEETS ALL NUTRIENT STANDARDS
EXEMPT from standards… Some… FRUITS & VEGGIES `
CALORIES Snacks/Sides: ≤200 Entrees: ≤ 350 EXEMPTIONS NSLP/SPB entrees (day of and after service) `
TOTAL FAT ≤ 35% total calories from fat EXEMPTIONS Reduced fat cheese Part-skim mozzarella Nuts and seeds Nut butters and seed butters Only dried fruit and nuts/seeds (no added sugars or fat) Seafood with no added fat `
SATURATED FAT < 10% total calories from saturated fat EXEMPTIONS Reduced fat cheese Part-skim mozzarella Nuts and seeds Nut butters and seed butters Only dried fruit and nuts/seeds (no added sugars or fat) `
TRANS FAT Zero grams trans fat
SUGAR ≤ 35% sugar by weight EXEMPTIONS Dried fruits and vegetables (no added sugars or only those required for processing or palatability) Only exempt dried fruit and nuts/seeds (no added sugars or fat) `
SODIUM Snacks/Sides: ≤230 mg Entrees: ≤480 mg SNACKS/SIDES July 1, 2016: ≤200 mg `
WATER NON FAT MILK LOW FAT MILK ALL GRADES (with or without carbonation)(plain or flavored)(plain only) 100% FRUIT OR VEGETABLE JUICE DILUTED W/WATER (with or without carbonation) 100% FRUIT OR VEGETABLE JUICE (no added sweeteners) SERVING SIZE LIMITS: 8 oz. ES 12 oz. MS/HS (milk, juice)
DIET BEVERAGES (20 oz.) LOW- CALORIE BEVERAGES (12 oz.) HIGH SCHOOL ONLY (<5 kcal/8 oz. OR ≤10 kcal/20 oz.) (≤40 kcal/8 oz. OR ≤60 kcal/12 oz. )
Engage the Business Office Know Your Products Know Your Venues Build Consensus a GETTING STARTED Work with Vendors Combine Your Efforts CommunicatePromote!
Jill R. Turley, MS, RD/LD, SNS National Nutrition Advisor