Marine research –Norway Qingdao, October 2011 Kjersti T. Fjalestad, Ph.D,


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Presentation transcript:

Marine research –Norway Qingdao, October 2011 Kjersti T. Fjalestad, Ph.D,

Norway – 2nd largest export nation of seafood 2010  53.8 billions NOK  150 nations  37 million meals every day

The Research Council  Strategic adviser to the government  Research funding agency  Support basic research  Implement national thematic priorities  Support private R&D  Networking and dissemination  Internationalisation

Marine research in Norway (National statistics 2009, NIFU 2011 ) Total research 41.9 Billions NOK Public – 46 % Private– 54 % Marine research 2.8 Billions NOK (6.6 % of total R&D) Public – 64 %, Private – 36 % Aquaculture research 1.3 Billions NOK (2.5 % of total R&D) Public – 48 % Private– 52 %

Marine based bioeconomy  Wild captured fish  Aquaculture  Food industry  By-products  Marine bioprospecting  Bio-energy

Future  Marine biotechnology including molecular aquaculture, core activity for Norway.  Genome sequences to be refined and utilised in aquaculture development and biological understanding of the environment and sustainable development.  Create value for the society from bioprospecting.

Sequencing genomes  Mapping the salmon genome (start 2009)  International consortium (Canada, Chile)  Mapping the salmon lice genome – Accomplished  Main work taking place at IMR (Bergen)  Mapping the cod genome – Accomplished

Genome sequences  The Atlantic salmon genome:  International collaboration Canada, Chile, Norway (ICSASG) –  Objectives:  Establish the reference sequence for all salmonids  Identify and physically map all genes in the Atlantic salmon genome.  Assembly 1 (3x coverage) released November  Sequencing by Sanger methodology and new generation sequencing (Illumina, 454)  The Cod genome:  Published September 2011:  Sequenced in Norway by 454 sequencing.  Unusual immune system organisation discovered.  The Salmon louse genome:  Published January  Basis for a Center for Research-based Innovation.

Marine Bioprospecting Vision: - a source of new and viable wealth creation  R&D&Innovation  Commercialisation  Regulate marine genetic resources  Establish network of marine biobanks  Strengthening bioprospecting  Build on existing knowledge  Priority of new collections:  Arctic organisms  Extreme habitats  Marine Bioprospecting: First call 2010 – 94 millions NOK

Marine bioprospecting  Based on a national strategy to explore the cold seas around Norway.  Building marine biobanks with invertebrates, plants and microorganisms.  Core analytical unit with assays for cancer, immunology, antioxidative, anti-microbials (virus & bacteria).  Metagenomics activity.  Supporting research projects and industrial development.  A Center for Research-based Innovation is established.  Open for international research and industry collaborations.

Aquaculture – An Industry in Growth  Success due to research + responsible management regimes  Need for collaboration – industry, research communities, public authorities, internationally Thematic priority areas 1.Sustainable seafood production 2.Healthy fish 3.Feeds of the future 4.Other production species 5.Environment-friendly aquaculture technology 6.Genetics and selective breeding

North America Global partner EU Framework program New Economies; China, Japan, India... Nordic Countries South America Collaboration To address complexity  Capacity building  Integration  Synergies  An European strategy for marine and maritime research  Improve efficiency and excellence  EU, Nordic, North-America, China, India....

 Funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs to follow up on The Norwegian Government’s Strategy for Cooperation between Norway and CHINA (2007)  CHINOR-programme: ( ) 20 mill. NOK per year  Homepage: Programme: Research Cooperation with China - CHINOR

Medium term thematic S&T priorities in China and Norway 中挪国家中期科技发展重点领域 Norway 挪威  Energy 能源  Oceans 海洋  Environment 环境  Food 食物  Health 健康  Welfare 社会福利保障 China 中国 * 1. Energy 能源 2. Water and mineral resources 水和矿产资源 3. Environment 环境 4. Agriculture 农业 5. Manufacturing 制造业 6. Transportation 交通运输业 7 . Information industry and modern service industry 信息产业及现代服务业 8 . Population and health 人口与健康 9 . Urbanization and city development 城镇 化与城市发展 10 . Public security 公共安全 11 . National defense 国防 *Chinese National Medium and Long-term S&T Development Plan Outline( ) 中国国家中长期科技发展规划纲要

Medium term technological S&T priorities in China and Norway 中挪国家中期科技发展重点领域 Norway 挪威 Technological research priorities inNorway 挪威国家研究重点技术  Biotechnology 生物技术  ICT 信息通讯技术  New materials Nanotech 新材料纳米 技术 China 中国 * Frontier technologies research(8 areas) 前沿技术 1 . Biotechnology 生物技术 2 . Information technology 信息技术 3 . New material technology 新材料技术 4 . Advanced manufacturing technology 先进 制造技术 5 . Advanced energy technology 先进能源技 术 6 . Marine technology 海洋技术 7 . Laser technology 激光技术 8 . Space and aviation technology 空天技术 *Chinese National Medium and Long-term S&T Development Plan Outline( ) 中国国家中长期科技发展规划纲要

 Climate Change NORKLIMA 2009: Unilateral call for cooperation projects (30 mill. NOK) Joint Call with CAS: deadline Dec. 2010, 22 mill. NOK, three projects  Environment MILJØ 2015 – Joint Call with CAS: deadline Dec (23 mill. NOK)  Welfare VAM-programme: network projects 2010:3 mill NOK  Climate technology CLIMIT/RENERGY 2010: Network projects (6 mill. NOK) Dialogue with CAS: possibilities for annual joint calls CHINOR

Conclusions:  Norway – a marine bioeconomy  Marine research-To ensure healthy and productive seas and oceans  Value creation and wealth  Meet grand challenges  Calls for international collaboration  CHINOR financing cooperation between China and Norway  Thematic priorities for future cooperation  Marine bioprospecting???  Other common areas of interest within marine research???

Thank you!