Class 餐旅二甲 Number 4A0M0058 Name 陳昱臻 Teacher 羅尹希
How to go there? Address No.50, Minquan Road., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City. Telephone (06)
Let ’ s GO ! Night Noon Letter box Entrance
Bar Seat 2F 1F
Elephant There are so many elephants.
Fortunate White Elephant Uniform Many people like to go there, because their uniforms make them be sexy.
Look !!! WOW
Drinks & alcoholic drinks
Menu Are you hungry?
pickled radish FREE Lemon water
Coconut Sauce Pork with Bamboo shoots Thai Hits Throws Pork Thousand-year old egg with Chili & Vanilla
Thai Coconut Sauce Chicken Nothern Thai Pepper-spiced Chicken Indonesia Dirty Duck
Chicken with Satay Sauce Thai Sour-spicy Perch Red Curry Fresh Seafood
Thai Sour-spicy Steamed Shrimp Bean Curd on Hot Plate Hoiiow Vegetable
Thai Shrimp Salad Thai Fresh Seafood Salad Moon Shrimp Cake
Fried Rice with Crabmeat Fried Rice with Pineapple Rice
Sour & Spicy Seafood Soup Thai Clear Soup Coconut Sauce Chicken Soup
Thai Milk Tea Tamarind Tab Tim Krob (Momo Zaza) Crushed ice & a lot things
I like Thai food. And you?