Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Dive Planning Procedures Site SelectionLogistics Flexibility Objectives Alternatives
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Objective Plan You Dive, Dive Your Plan Purpose and Goals of Dive
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Environmental Information Surface conditions, such as sea state, air temperature, and wind chill factor Underwater conditions, including water temperature, depth, type of bottom, tides and currents,visibility, extent of pollution, and hazards
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Emergency Procedures Emergency Action Plan Emergency Equipment –Oxygen, First Aid Kit, Phone, Radio. Assistance and emergency information, including location, status, and contact procedures for the nearest recompression chamber, air evacuation team, U.S. Coast Guard, and nearest hospital.
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Dive Logistics Dive Team Tenders/monitors Dive Mode Accessory Equipment
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Pre-Dive Briefing The objective and scope of the operation Conditions in the operating area Diving techniques and equipment to be used Specific assignments for each diver Anticipated hazards Normal safety precautions Any special considerations Group discussion period to answer questions by members of the diving team
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Post-Dive Debriefing Log Dive information Decompression Status Record data collected Discuss & review problems Prepare for next dive
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Planning Considerations Dive Buddy Dive Objective Site Selection - Necessary - Buddies Agree on Goal for the Dive - Accessibility - Water Conditions - Entry/Exit Points - Tides and Currents - Surface Craft - Special Equipment - Alternatives Dive Tables - Initial Dive - Repetitive Dives - Conservative Limits Flexibility - Diver Experience - Anticipate Problems - Air Termination Point - Divemaster/Leader? - Communications - Emergency Procedures Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan Let Someone Know Where You’re Going
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Summary Careful Dive Planning Essential for Safe Diving Planning Procedures a Logical Sequence Plans Should be Flexible Alternatives Should be Considered Dive Logs Can Provide Useful Information Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Dive Procedures Shore Diving Boat Diving Standard Operating Procedures General SOPs
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Good SOPs Lead to Enjoyable and Safe Diving - From Shore or Boat General SOPsShore DivingBoat Diving - Diver Responsibilities - Mark ALL Gear - Communications - Divemaster Instructions - Entries - Acclimatization - Recall - Safety Briefing - Environment Briefing - Dive into Current - Stay Legal - ETC.. - Parking Areas - Ground Cloth - Folding Chairs - Local Orientation - Assess Conditions - Assemble/Check Gear - Suit Up - Move to Entry Point - Enter Water - Signal “OK” - Listen to Crew - Premium on Space - Motion Sickness - Begin Diving When Crew Gives OK - Entry/Exit Points -- Descent Line -- Trail Line - Signal to Divemaster - Don’t Skim Just Under Surface When Returning - Use of Heads
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Underwater Navigation Natural Instrument Compass Procedures Essential Skill
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Underwater Navigation Navigation is Part of Dive Planning 2 Methods Natural - - Instrument - Water “Landmarks” -- Big Coral Head -- Left/Right Along Wall - Reasonable Visibility - Sensitivity to Current - The Compass -- Swim Along Azimuth - Buddy Team Procedures -- One Navigates -- One Watches Compass Procedures - Bezel Ring Setting - Out/Back, one Setting - Alignment with Body - Keep Level The Ability to Navigate, Either by Natural Features or Compass, is an Essential Skill A Diver Wishing to Progress in Training and Experience Must Learn and Maintain Proficiency in Navigation
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Diving Safety Diver FactorsEquipment Factors Before, During, and After the Dive Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan
Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving Safety Factors Diver - Scuba Training - Rescue Training - Attitude - Judgement - Watermanship - Fitness - Discipline Equipment - Comfort & Fit - Serviceability - Maintenance - Signalling System The DIVE Before - Planning - Signal Review - Safety Check - Lost Buddy - Alt Air Check During - Follow Plan - Buddy Contact - Cognizance - Assessment After - Dive Tables - Dive Log - Next Plan Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan Use Common Sense