Night Diving Why dive at night? Special equipment Night diving procedures Overview of night dive
Night Diving Reasons Curiosity - offers a certain mystique and fascination Nocturnal marine life A new look at a familiar site Additional chance to dive Night diving allows you to see the natural colors of organisms by providing artificial light
Night Diving Reasons Bioluminescence –The light produced by a chemical reaction from an organism which is transferred to light energy.
Night Diving Lights Types of Lights –Disposable battery or rechargeable –Different types of handles
Night Diving Lights Lights –Primary and Backup light
Night Diving Light Use Keep lights off when underway Make sure light is on when entering water DO NOT point in others eyes To gain attention U/W Hand signals Surface signals Turn light off when not in use. Light maintenance
KEY LARGO Each diver will be required to supply four new “C” batteries for your USF issued light.
Night Diving Light Stick Each diver should be equipped with a light stick. –Battery powered or chemical stick –Allows for a visual above and below water
Night Diving Underwater Strobe Light Serves as visual reference for the descent line and the entry/exit point.
Night Diving Procedures Select a familiar dive site that is easy to navigate. Plan your entry at dusk Reduce the distance you swim
Night Diving Procedures Remain close to your buddy Note any special features on your buddy as well as your group leader. Decide who will lead and who will follow Determine what to do in the event you become separated.
Night Diving Procedures Monitor Air Supply Control Anxiety –Stop, Breathe, Think, Act
Overview of Night Dive Key Largo We will be diving on a site dived earlier that day The water temperature will not change significantly Topside conditions will have a tendency to be cool- bring something warm to wear for the return trip. Do not turn your lights or lightsticks on while the vessel is underway Stay with your buddy and your group Your dive leader will review additional emergency procedures prior to the dive
Night Diving Key Largo There will limited time between afternoon dives and night dives – 1 hour max. - bring food for between dives Between dives remove only your tanks After the night dive stow gear in locker Eat dinner
Night Diving Key Largo Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs and bread will be provided You will need to provide a beverage & salad if desired Don’t be late – get a good nights sleep