® Developing Plugins for SameTime Connect 7.5 Jian Min JIANG Lotus ISV Technical Enablement China Software Development Lab
2 UI Extensions: Main Window “Mini Apps” Status bar Telephony Action Bar Branding Area Live Names Tools Menu
3 UI Extensions: Chat Window Tools Menu Telephony Branding Area Action Bar Status bar Send area actions
4 More examples of UI extensions Extend menus and toolbars in other windows (e.g., n-way chat participant list) Extend Sametime’s system tray menu choices, as shown to right (“BluePages”) Extend Preferences UI using standard Eclipse API Add branding areas to login dialog, Contact List, and chat window Add actions to a contact’s pop-up menu Reuse business card BluePages and Voice Suite are internal IBM plug-ins
5 Extending Sametime Connect - Steps 1.Have an idea? 2.Approach 1: Choose the appropriate UI extension 3.Approach 2: Choose the appropriate event override 4.Alternatives to Extending Sametime Connect 5.Code 6.Test 7.Deploy
6 Extending Sametime Connect - Approaches Approach 1: Choose the appropriate UI extension Actions: Main menu, person/group context menu, toolbars Areas: Mini app, chat area, n-way list area, pop-up add-on Information extension: Person status, n-way list columns Approach 2: Choose the appropriate event override Transform chat messages (e.g., translation or keyword substitution) React to location changes, coordinate with other applications Automated responses (e.g., DND in presentation mode) These approaches can be combined as needed.
7 Extending Sametime Connect - Alternatives Don’t extend the client Convenience can turn to clutter Extend your own application instead Extend your web application using Sametime Links Toolkit* Extend your Java application using Sametime Java Toolkit* Extend your RCP application using Livenames Extend your Notes 8 application Other options are on the horizon Reuse of Sametime Connect views in Expeditor** * ST Links is unchanged; ST Java TK AWT-based UI elements are deprecated ** You can extend Sametime Connect 7.5’s UI; future versions will allow reuse of its views in your rich client application.
8 Extending Sametime Connect – UI Elements viewActions ext. point* actionSet ext. point* popupMenus ext. point* ( GroupSelection ) MyBusinessCard ( Person ) popupMenus ext. point* ( PersonSection ) miniApp ext. point ( AbstractMiniApp ) Group, Person (from System tray) (from n-way chat) nWayListExtention ext. point Person chatAction ext. point (from chat window) * Standard Eclipse UI extension points
9 Extending Sametime Connect – Code, Test, Deploy Code Familiar to Eclipse developers (plug-ins, SWT, JFace) Eclipse IDE wizards simplify code and debug Test Launch directly from Eclipse IDE or connect to running client Expeditor Toolkit automates creation of Launch configuration, includes properly configured J9 runtime environment Development-time Deployment Run directly from Eclipse’s PDE (Plug-in Development Environment), or Copy to installation’s plugins directory and restart with -clean option Production Deployment When complete, create update site; optionally require installation at client startup Delivery is either via “pull” from users with Update Manager, or “push” from server from enterprise-wide update site
10 Sample plug-in: Branding Extension Point com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.ui.stbranding Options Image URL Eclipse Widget Any controls or combinations, but the size is limited Extend STBrandingArea Implementation of createControl public Control createControl(Composite parent) { ……. }
11 SameTime Connect Client Customization: Branding
12 Login Window <extension point="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.ui.stbranding"> <stbranding id="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.sample.branding.login" name="login dialog branding" targetView="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.login">
13 SameTime Connect Client Customization : Branding
14 Chat Window <extension point="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.ui.stbranding"> <stbranding height="64" width="64" id="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.sample.branding.chat" name="chat window branding" targetView="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.chatwindow" valign="top">
15 Contact List <extension point="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.ui.stbranding"> <stbranding height="128" id="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.sample.branding.imhub" name="contact list branding" targetView="com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.imhub" valign="bottom">
16 SameTime Connect Client Customization: Splash plugins\com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.application_2.0.0.jar splash.bmp configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\splash.bmp