1 Innovative CPR, AED and First Aid Training Emergency First Response Training Services provided by Robert W. Murphy, EFR Instructor & Master Scuba Diver Trainer, Aqua Clara Dive Schools of Florida, Inc.
2 Overview u The Importance of Training u Emergency First Response u What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response u Instructor Training
3 The Importance of Training u Sobering statistics More than 2,400,000 die each year from Cardiovascular Disease For every minute a person is in cardiac arrest, survivability decreases by 10%
4 u Benefits of Training Creates a safer work environment & reduces liability Excellent employee benefit Protect your #1 asset - your employees The Importance of Training
5 u Growing Importance of Automated External Defibrillator (AED ) Training New laws mandating AEDs and staff trained to use them Many insurers now require AED Prepare for foreseeable risk Reduce liability exposure
6 u Regulatory Environment Depending on the level and type of risk, specialized training may be required EFR courses provide a complete solution to meeting international standard variations The Importance of Training
7 Emergency First Response u Emergency First Response (EFR ® ) Emergency First Response is the fastest-growing international CPR, AED and first aid training organization More than 45,000 Instructors worldwide Global office support, including US, Canada, Europe Australia and Japan
8 What Standards Do Emergency First Response Courses Follow? u Based on internationally recognized medical guidelines for emergency care ECC Guidelines 2010 Basic Life Support (BLS) group of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Can be adapted to meet local patient care protocols
9 What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response? u Flexible instructional approach and options Independent study Video guided Instructor led Independent study option Shorter class time—no lecture More skill practice time Better skill retention Reduces time away from job
10 u Simplified Approach to Learning Distinguishes life threatening from nonlife threatening situations Helps Emergency Responders properly sequence patient care Keeps information and skill introduction manageable Results in better retention and confidence to act! What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
11 Creating Confidence to Care SM Learning takes place in a non-stressful environment Program emphasizes encouragement and positive reinforcement Eliminates the fear of doing something wrong What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
12 Creating Confidence to Care SM Tackles emotional aspects of offering emergency care Encourages action Philosophy — Adequate aid provided is better than perfect aid withheld What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
13 u Course Options Optional emergency oxygen use modules Course flexibility CPR, AED and first aid courses separately or together Care for Children course What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
14 u Outstanding Products Expertly-designed course materials Available in 18 different languages Feature realistic scenarios Continuous quality management What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
15 u Meet Regulatory Requirements Convenient, complete solution to meeting workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and first aid training OSHA and COSH compliant courses customized to meet local and regional standards Widespread international acceptance What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response?
16 What Features Differentiate Emergency First Response? u Ongoing Solution Training valid for 2 years CPR AED First Aid Refresher course provides an ongoing solution to compliance needs 2.5 hours hours to complete
17 We Do Both Employer On-site and Off-site Training, Non-employer Group Training, and Individual Training… Whichever Best Suits Your Needs u Have a specific requirement for training? OSHA Liability insurance carrier Captain’s license Marine or air charters Teacher/school/fraternal organization Rescue Diver (individual and public sector) and other scuba certifications 24 Month required refresher Pool, recreation and water oriented hospitality businesses
18 u Your Course Options Standard EFR courses have emergency oxygen use modules which can be taught as an option Minimal training on most simple emergency uses of O 2 Aqua Clara Dive Schools of Florida, Inc. also provides a separate PADI based O 2 specialty course which provides significantly more breadth and depth in this subject area (e.g., physiology, equipment alternatives, administration, etc.) We encourage those persons who might need to be O 2 providers at some time in the future to take the full O 2 course with us Let’s Talk About O 2 Training
19 We Also Coordinate Training for Emergency First Response Instructors u Prerequisites 18 years old Current adult CPR & first aid training (prior 24 months) Child and infant CPR pre- training encouraged but not required as EFR Instructor prerequisite
20 u No previous CPR or first aid training or expired credentials? No problem, training can be provided as part of the EFR Instructor co urse Becoming An Emergency First Response Instructor With No Previous CPR/First Aid Training
21 u Instructor Reciprocity Instructor crossover courses available Contact us at for more information on crossovers Some Past CPR and/or First Aid Training With Another Agency?
22 Have Questions? Please contact us by phone at or us at