Welcome Clayton High School Swimming and Diving 2014 Clayton High School Swimming and Diving 2014
Overview Introductions – thanks General goals Rules, Guidelines, and Priorities Swimmer/Parent Expectations Equipment/Uniforms Meets Communication Introductions – thanks General goals Rules, Guidelines, and Priorities Swimmer/Parent Expectations Equipment/Uniforms Meets Communication
Coaching Staff
Dive Coach – Madeleine Gray
Coaching Staff Dive Coach – Madeleine Gray Swim Coach – Katelyn Long Dive Coach – Madeleine Gray Swim Coach – Katelyn Long
Coaching Staff Dive Coach – Madeleine Gray Swim Coach – Katelyn Long Head Coach - Rob Laux Dive Coach – Madeleine Gray Swim Coach – Katelyn Long Head Coach - Rob Laux
Clayton Athletics Education is our #1 priority CHS philosophy is opportunity and participation Athletics are a privilege not a right. Class attendance, academics, proper conduct and citizenship are required. Playing time is not guaranteed We do try to win at the Varsity level Education is our #1 priority CHS philosophy is opportunity and participation Athletics are a privilege not a right. Class attendance, academics, proper conduct and citizenship are required. Playing time is not guaranteed We do try to win at the Varsity level
Team Goals General Goals 1. Do it Right 2. Have Fun 3. Go Fast, Dive Better General Goals 1. Do it Right 2. Have Fun 3. Go Fast, Dive Better Specific Goals Establish sound, efficient, powerful mechanics Learn to train/race/compete Compete as a team at Championships Attain individual goal times/ scores, state standards Option to compete year round/ polo/ compete in college
New Swimmers 1. Learn 2. Balance patience and aggressiveness in training 3. Swim with the intent of the set 4. Some may experience seasonal fatigue 1. Learn 2. Balance patience and aggressiveness in training 3. Swim with the intent of the set 4. Some may experience seasonal fatigue
Rules 1. Listen to one another 2. Give 100% effort to complete what is asked of you 1. Listen to one another 2. Give 100% effort to complete what is asked of you Guiding Principles Make sure everything you do has a POSITIVE impact on the goals of your group/class/organization (Make the group a better place because you are here) Make sure everything you do has a POSITIVE impact on the goals of your group/class/organization (Make the group a better place because you are here)
Priorities 1. Family (faith) 2. School 3. Swimming & Diving -everything else follows 1. Family (faith) 2. School 3. Swimming & Diving -everything else follows
Athlete Expectations Be a good citizen, attendance, academically and behavior Be on time (early) Be prepared Execute the intent of practice Be a good sport/person. Respect the facilities Be a good citizen, attendance, academically and behavior Be on time (early) Be prepared Execute the intent of practice Be a good sport/person. Respect the facilities
Athlete Expectations Streamline Complete swims Appropriate Turns ( disease ) Attend all practices and meets (unless otherwise directed) parent/ school notes/ homework I prefer the positive approach. Poor choices may result in discussions with athletes/parent, removal from practice, sitting out of meets, team suspension, removal from team. Streamline Complete swims Appropriate Turns ( disease ) Attend all practices and meets (unless otherwise directed) parent/ school notes/ homework I prefer the positive approach. Poor choices may result in discussions with athletes/parent, removal from practice, sitting out of meets, team suspension, removal from team.
Making Good Choices - TAOD
Tobacco Alcohol Other Drugs Tobacco Alcohol Other Drugs
Parent Expectations 1) Support your child through the ups, the downs and the dry periods between 2) Introduce yourself to and welcome other parents - Ensure that this is a friendly environment 3) Read information and respond to memos that come home. Ask your child if anything is new. 4) Pass on information to others/Ask questions of others 5) Please encourage your child to be organized and on time 6)Team website: 7) Volunteer to help 8) Communicate with your children and coaches, appropriately. 9) Be the parent. Let the coaches coach. During meets, stay in the stands, use only encouraging comments and cheers, never communicate directly to officials, opposing coaches or opposing athletes. 1) Support your child through the ups, the downs and the dry periods between 2) Introduce yourself to and welcome other parents - Ensure that this is a friendly environment 3) Read information and respond to memos that come home. Ask your child if anything is new. 4) Pass on information to others/Ask questions of others 5) Please encourage your child to be organized and on time 6)Team website: 7) Volunteer to help 8) Communicate with your children and coaches, appropriately. 9) Be the parent. Let the coaches coach. During meets, stay in the stands, use only encouraging comments and cheers, never communicate directly to officials, opposing coaches or opposing athletes.
Equipment Athlete provided Suits – Speedo Caps Team T-Shirts Goggles (extra) Water bottle Dryland clothes Athlete provided Suits – Speedo Caps Team T-Shirts Goggles (extra) Water bottle Dryland clothes Team provided Diving boards Fins Pullbuoys Paddles Kickboards Timing system Facility Sweats and bags
Equipment Original costs Suits – Speedo $ 48 Embroidery$ 8 Caps $ 4 Team T-Shirts $ 6 $ 66 Original costs Suits – Speedo $ 48 Embroidery$ 8 Caps $ 4 Team T-Shirts $ 6 $ 66
Equipment Original costs Suits – Speedo $ 48 Embroidery$ 8 Caps $ 4 Team T-Shirts $ 6 $ 66 Original costs Suits – Speedo $ 48 Embroidery$ 8 Caps $ 4 Team T-Shirts $ 6 $ 66 Athlete costs $ ????
Meets School-Saint-Louis-MO/season/ /Boys/Varsity/Swimming/ School-Saint-Louis-MO/season/ /Boys/Varsity/Swimming/ To be eligible (in addition to preseason requirements) School attendance (day of, day before) If going home sick, communicate to the coach If absent the day before…, If repetitive tardies or unexcused absences, other Home dual meets - all in, Limited event slots, communicate who will be participating in advance, invitational and tri meets (Athlete preference) Compete in all events/dive categories Improvement (mechanics, times/scores, difficulty of dives race strategies Ladue Invite Transportation Getting Home? School-Saint-Louis-MO/season/ /Boys/Varsity/Swimming/ School-Saint-Louis-MO/season/ /Boys/Varsity/Swimming/ To be eligible (in addition to preseason requirements) School attendance (day of, day before) If going home sick, communicate to the coach If absent the day before…, If repetitive tardies or unexcused absences, other Home dual meets - all in, Limited event slots, communicate who will be participating in advance, invitational and tri meets (Athlete preference) Compete in all events/dive categories Improvement (mechanics, times/scores, difficulty of dives race strategies Ladue Invite Transportation Getting Home?
Golf Tournament Opportunity School Community, Clayton Community, Supporting Athletics, overcome deficits (1.7 million, $9,000 for state) Fins, pullbuoys, starter, data cable, replacing aging touch pads, computer Last year each team earned $1800ish Thanks to Jim Mense and Iva Youkilis Thanks to the Littekens Opportunity School Community, Clayton Community, Supporting Athletics, overcome deficits (1.7 million, $9,000 for state) Fins, pullbuoys, starter, data cable, replacing aging touch pads, computer Last year each team earned $1800ish Thanks to Jim Mense and Iva Youkilis Thanks to the Littekens
Golf Tournament- Littekens Need: $1000 in sponsorships – we have none 2 Foursomes 4 volunteers Athlete Sponsorships Need: $1000 in sponsorships – we have none 2 Foursomes 4 volunteers Athlete Sponsorships
Communication Phone: Team website: Phone: Team website: