Business and Finance Customer Satisfaction Survey ….Moving Forward with the Data October 11, 2007
2 Overview The Business and Finance Customer Satisfaction Survey Committee were charged with simplifying the 2005 B&F customer survey and the survey administration process (e.g. customer identification, distribution, results and analysis) while achieving a higher participation rate from B&F customers. Survey successfully implemented Response rate increased 79% (6085 completed surveys in 2007 compared to 3408 completed in 2005) Results distributed to participating department directors
3 Strategic Framework: Goal 1 FY08 1.Become the University’s PROVIDER of CHOICE for the UM services we offer Goal Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Improvement Process 2009 Customer Survey targets set (AVP/unit) Related action plan(s) created and communicated to appropriate AVP staff 1.2 Coordination of Customer-impacting initiatives and improvements Review of initiatives, timetables and customer impacts during CFO Senior Staff meetings and B&F Forum meetings to minimize customer impact Monthly review during CFO Senior Staff meetings beginning in Sept, 2007 “Pop Up” reviews of new upcoming initiatives held during B&F Forum sessions Targets Metrics Indicators
4 Linking Attributes to Strategies 2007 Service Attributes Understands the customer’s needs Understands and explains University policies and procedures Communicates service standards Demonstrates functional/technical expertise Implements service changes effectively Communicates change effectively Easily accessible Provides friendly and courteous service Overall satisfaction
5 CSA Tool Review/Q&A
6 Customer Survey Suggested Next Steps 1.Understand Data Qualitative/Quantitative 2.Perform Analyses Themes/What stands out Deeper Dive Correlations Tools 3.Draw Conclusions/Set Priorities for Focus 4.Set Targets (by June 2008) 5.Develop Strategies 6.Develop Action Plans (by June 2008)
7 Overarching Culture and Values Standards Skills Structure Service System Rewards and Consequences Achieving Customer Satisfaction
8 B&F Offer to Help Focus Groups Best Practices Networking Additional Explanation of the Reporting Tool Provide customer and employee linkages