Angular Impulse Chapter 13 KINE 3301 Biomechanics of Human Movement
Linear and Angular Momentum
Computing Angular Momentum
Angular Impulse – Angular Momentum Relationship The angular impulse – angular momentum relationship is derived from Newton’s law of angular acceleration: If you apply a torque over time (angular impulse), it changes the angular momentum of an object. An angular impulse is required to make an object spin or stop an object from spinning Angular Impulse = change in angular momentum
An average torque of 3.72 N∙m is applied for a time of t =.9 s to the rigid bar shown below. Determine the final angular velocity of the bar.
A constant torque of 4.55 N∙m is applied to a rigid bar with a moment of inertia of 0.8 kg∙m 2 and an initial angular velocity of 0.0 r/s, determine the final angular velocity. What was the angular impulse that was applied?
To compute the angular impulse for a non-constant torque the torque must be integrated with respect to time: After the torque is applied to the rigid bar the angular velocity increases to 5.27 r/s. If the rigid bar has a moment of inertia of 0.8 kg∙m 2 what was the final angular momentum? If the torque was applied for t = 0.9 s, what was the angular impulse?
Principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum When gravity is the only force acting on a system the angular momentum is constant.
During the force application phase the gymnast applies forces against the ground. The reaction forces cause torque about the gymnast’s center of mass. The net positive torque creates positive angular momentum. When the gymnast is in the air the net torque about the center of mass is zero and as a result angular momentum is constant. Is the moment of inertia constant? Is the angular velocity constant?
Use Excel to compute the angular impulse for each positive and negative torque phase for the torque curve shown below.
A Tale of Two Divers Shaquille O’Neal Height 2.16 m Mass kg I CM = kg∙m 2 Guo Jingjing Height 1.63 Mass 49 kg I CM = 5.6 kg∙m 2 Each diver will perform a layout back 1 ½ rotation dive from a 10 m platform, they will be in the air for t = 1.68 s. Compute the following: 1.) angular velocity required to complete 1 ½ rotations (9.42 rad), 2.) angular momentum required, 3.) angular impulse required.