A Photo dictionary designed to help you learn the vocabularies in groups By:Parisa Arabloo
Swim Swim Feelings Feelings Family Family jobs jobs
Pool Pool Sink Sink Float Float dive dive
Happy Happy sad sad Cry Cry Laugh Laugh fear fear
Father Father Mother Mother Brother Brother Sister Sister
Doctor Doctor Teacher Teacher Plumber Plumber Dentist Dentist Cook Cook
Pool=a small area of still water (they spent the day at the pool)
Sink=to (cause to) go down below the surface of water. (the ship sank in deep water)
Float=to (make something)stay on the surface of a liquid. A piece of wood was floating in the stream.
dive=to plunge headfirst into water or down through the air. (she did a beautiful dive into the deep end of the pool)
Happy=having or showing a feeling of pleasure or contentment (I feel happy today)
Sad=unhappy or causing unhappiness (she’s sad because her son is ill)
Cry=a time of weeping (the baby had a little cry before he went to sleep)
Laugh=to make sounds with the voice in showing happiness. (we laughed at the funny photographs)
Fear=a feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the knowledge of danger (the soldie tried not to show his fear)
Father=a male parent,especially human (Mr.Smith is her father)
Mother=a female parent,especially human John’n mother lives in Manchester.
Brother=the title given to a male child to describe his relationship to the other children of his parents (I have two brothers)
sister=a title given to a female child to describe her relationship to the other children of her parents (she is my sister)
Doctor=a person who is trained to treat ill people You should call the doctor if you are ill
Teacher=a person who teaches,especially in a school Mr.Jones is a our teacher
Dentist=a person who cares for diseases of teeth,by filling or removing them (I hate going to the dentist)
Cook=a person who cooks,especially for living. She was employed as a cook at the embassy
Plumber=a person who fits and mends domestic water,gas pipes. (The plumber fixed the leaking pipe.)