Rotational Mechanics AP Physics C: Mechanics
Enough with the particles… Do you ever get tired of being treated like a particle? We can not continue to lump all objects together and pretend that they undergo the same motion when acted upon by the same force… We will now study the rotation of rigid bodies.
What do we already know? Objects rotate about their center of mass. For rotational motion it is useful to consider tangential and radial components instead of x and y Ideas of circular motion and centripetal force.
What is a rigid body? An extended object whose size and shape do not change as it moves. This size and shape can not be neglected when modeling its motion. Objects that are held together by “massless rods” of molecular bonds. Some objects can be modeled as rigid during parts of their motion.
Three types of motion of a rigid body:
There is an rotational analogy to every concept of linear motion. We have looked at the basics when studying circular motion:
Tangential Components: ω vtvt r Rotational Velocity Rotational Acceleration Tangential Velocity Tangential Acceleration
Radial (centripetal) Component ω vtvt Radial Velocity Radial Acceleration arar
Rotational Kinematic Equations:
Sign Conventions: Counter-clockwise is positive direction for ω and v t. So positive α can be speeding up in the ccw direction or slowing down in the cw direction.
A Rotating Crankshaft A car engine is idling at 500rpm. When the light turns green, the crankshaft rotation speeds up at a constant rate to 2500rpm over an interval of 3 seconds. How many revolutions does the crankshaft make during this time interval? This is a rotating rigid body with constant angular acceleration Imagine painting a dot on the crankshaft. IF the dot is at θ=0 and t=0, at a later time, the dot will be at:
A Rotating Crankshaft A car engine is idling at 500rpm. When the light turns green, the crankshaft rotation speeds up at a constant rate to 2500rpm over an interval of 3 seconds. How many revolutions does the crankshaft make during this time interval?
A Rotating Crankshaft A car engine is idling at 500rpm. When the light turns green, the crankshaft rotation speeds up at a constant rate to 2500rpm over an interval of 3 seconds. How many revolutions does the crankshaft make during this time interval?
The Center of Mass A 500g ball and a 2kg ball are connected by a massless 50cm long rod. Where is the center of mass? What is the speed of each ball if they rotate about the center of mass at 40rpm?
The Center of Mass A 500g ball and a 2kg ball are connected by a massless 50cm long rod. Where is the center of mass?
The Center of Mass A 500g ball and a 2kg ball are connected by a massless 50cm long rod. What is the speed of each ball if they rotate about the center of mass at 40rpm?
What can we measure? What can we measure and analyze with a bike in order to further understand rotational mechanics?
Other Rotational Analogs?
Rotational Energy? Why does the Sun rise in the morning? Why do magnets stick together? Because everybody says so. Everybody. - Michael Scott
Rotational Energy?
Rotational Energy Why must there be such a thing? All of the atoms in the object are moving so they must have kinetic energy! Translational Kinetic Energy Can we use our analogies to find an expression for Rotational Kinetic Energy?
Rotational KE for a particle traveling in a circle:
Moment of Inertia Has nothing to do with a moment in time. The word comes from the Latin momentum which means motion. The rotational analog to mass. Describes the distribution of mass relative to the axis of rotation. Is different for each shape and orientation. An object with a large mass is hard to accelerate, an object with a large moment of inertia is difficult to rotate.
Moment of Inertia (Rotational Laziness) Inertia is the resistance to changes in motion Moment of inertia is the resistance to changes in rotation.
Moment of Inertia Consider an irregular shape that is rotating: The object’s rotational energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of each particle Moment of Inertia can be calculated as the sum of the contributions from each particle in an object
Moment of Inertia Calculating moment of inertia can be very difficult for odd shapes. I for many shapes has been tabulated and printed in handbooks for scientists and engineers.
Note about the axis… If the rotation axis is not through the center of mass, then rotation may cause the center of mass to move up or down in a gravitational field. The gravitational potential energy of the object will change as it spins. With no friction in the axle or other dissipative forces, the mechanical energy can be described as:
The three masses, held together by lightweight plastic rods, rotate about an axle passing through the right–angle corner. At what angular velocity does the triangle have 100mJ of rotational energy? 150g 250g 300g axle ω 6cm 8cm
The three masses, held together by lightweight plastic rods, rotate about an axle passing through the right–angle corner. At what angular velocity does the triangle have 100mJ of rotational energy? 150g 250g 300g axle ω 6cm 8cm
A 1m long, 0.2kg rod is hinged at one end and connected to a wall. It is held out horizontally, then released. What is the speed of the tip of the rod as it hits the wall? Conservation of Energy:
A 1m long, 0.2kg rod is hinged at one end and connected to a wall. It is held out horizontally, then released. What is the speed of the tip of the rod as it hits the wall? Conservation of Energy:
Calculating Moment of Inertia: Like finding inertia, we can not simply place the object on a scale to find its moment of inertia. We must go through the calculation. Recall: Moment of Inertia can be calculated as the sum of the contributions from each particle in an object as Δm approaches zero it can be replaced with the differential dm.
Calculating Moment of Inertia: Tips Break the object into elements that you will sum together. Do this in a way that keeps the same distance from the axis for all particles in each element. You will sum the elements over a range of distances so you must find an expression to substitute dm with a differential dx, dy, or dz. Densities are helpful but not necessarily the only way to solve: For a complex object made up of parts with known moments of inertia, sum the terms of each to find part to find the moment of inertia of the object:
Find the moment of inertia of a circular disk of radius R and mass M that rotates on an axis passing through its center.
The four T’s in the diagram are made from identical rods. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the moments of inertia for rotation about each dashed line. I a >I d >I b >I c Which has the most mass distributed farthest from the axis???
Parallel-Axis Theorem We have been calculating the moment of inertia for rotational axes that run through the center of mass. This theorem helps us if we wish to use an off-center axis but know where it is in relation to a parallel, on-center axis.
Parallel-Axis Theorem Find the moment of inertia of a thin rod with mass M and length L about an axis 1/3 rd of the length from one end. Moment of inertia through the center of mass of a thin rod from table. cm 1/3rd d=L/6
Rotational Force? Why must there be such a thing? Because all net forces do not cause rotation! How can rotational force be maximized? How do we calculate it? Apply a force at the proper location.
Torque Torque is to rotational motion as force is to linear motion. Torque is given the Greek symbol capital tau (τ)
Torque Is greater with a greater force Is greater if the force is applied farther from the axis or rotation. Is greater if the angle of application of the force is perpendicular to the radial line.
Torque and Lever arm or Moment Arm
How much Torque does Luis Provide?
Rank the Torques τ e >τ a =τ d >τ b >τ c
No Change in rotation Analog to Newton’s 2 nd Law No Change in motion (no acceleration) EQUILIBRIUM
Torque due to gravity Center of mass is relative to the axis of rotation
Torque due to gravity The gravitational torque is found by treating the object as if all its mass were concentrated at the center of mass.
What is the torque on the 500kg steel beam?
Equilibrium Lab Challenge: Please DO NOT touch or alter any set-up. Report the unknown mass in each. I will collect one per group for score based on amount correct. 7 Minutes per table remaining time may be used to reconsider past tables but not revisit them while other groups are working. Bonus goes to group with most correct.
Rotational Dynamics A net centripetal force will cause an object’s path to change direction. A net tangential force will cause a rotating object to speed up or slow down. atat acac
Rotational Dynamics Only component of force tangent to a circle causes rotation change: atat acac Surprised?
Analog to Newton’s 2 nd Law Unbalanced Forces Unbalanced Torques A net torque causes an angular acceleration!
Rank the angular accelerations! α b > α a > α c = α d = α e
Angular Momentum (L) Linear Momentum Angular Momentum Angular Momentum for a particle in circular motion:
Angular Momentum Newton’s 2 nd Law: A net torque causes a particles angular momentum to change. The rate of change of a systems angular momentum is the net torque on the system.
Conservation of Angular Momentum: The angular momentum of an isolated (no external torques) system is conserved.
A note on direction: Why is it easier to balance a bike when the wheels are spinning than when they are not? An object with a large linear momentum is difficult to slow down or to knock it off of its straight line path. An object with a large angular momentum is difficult to slow down or to change the direction of its axis
General Direction of Cross Product: The RHR 1.Point the fingers of your right hand in the direction of vector A. 2.Close your fingers into the direction of vector B. 3.Your thumb points in the direction of vector C.
Gyroscope! PrecessionUse of a gyroscope