WinFassade Program to generate verifiable calculation facade profiles
Introduction After entering all necessary conditions, the program computes a scannable static certificate for the facade profiles. 1.vertical pole with two fastenings (wind-rectangle- load) 2.vertical pole with two fastenings (wind-trapezoid- load) 3.horizontal bar with two fastenings (wind-, trapezoid- and glass-load) 4.Computation of vertical reaction to the window (weight of facade)
Main view
Input window Select type of calculation. Then enter material of the poles, wind loads and their measures.
Output of calculation only appears when resisting torque of selected waler (horizontal and vertical) passes stress analysis. resisting torque OK, output of calculation resisting torque not OK
Calculation of vertical reaction force at windows occures after entering the necessary variables
Object data (Objektdaten) enables to fill in several positions and notes
Setting maximal defection
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