Missional Pivot Points Bob Mayfield Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
#10 From Mantras to Movement 1 Samuel 17 Movements start small and expand exponentially Movements call people to action
#9 From Class to Communitas Soldiers ClassCommunity attend experience attend experience learn share learn share information grace information grace
#8 From Talking Points to Theology Journalist and politician Christian “talking points” Our folks don’t dialogue with the lost because they don’t know their theology
#7 Biblical and Relevant FOX News motto High View of God’s Word The soft touch of Social Ministry Match our actions to our beliefs Metropolitan Tabernacle
#6 From Incremental to Exponential Church sign – “Reaching our community one person at a time” Sony video Church measures growth in single digits World measures growth in gigabytes Facebook and Twitter
#5 From Members to Missionaries American Express Members – Missionaries –
#4 From Protecting to Planting Only 4% of SBC churches will EVER plant another church Why plant churches and plant groups? Brings life and vitality Enables us to live by faith, not by sight Beyond the numbers of planting – When should you plant? ASAP
#3 From Attractional to Incarnational John 1:14 – “and the Word became flesh” 20% of population can be reached through attractional programs (LW Research) 88% of population is open to conversations with Christians about Jesus Class Mission Projects (act our way to missional)
#2 Assembly Line to Customized Henry Ford – You can have your car in any color you want… SBC churches have traditionally been uniform Society began to change 25 years ago Customization inspires creativity and engages our young adults
#1 From Institutional to Individual An artist on a tapestry, compare to “institutional food” Church has become institutional “Come help us grow” Cookie-cutter church growth When the people grow, the church grows