Manipulating Use Data: PivotTables and XML Tansy Matthews Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) ICOLC Conference, Montreal April 2007
What are PivotTables? Excel Tool Translates columnar data into a table that can be sorted on any of the column headings.
Raw data
Manipulating the PivotTable
Changing the Data Fields
Data Collection Over Time Consistent format allows data to be easily concatenated. Charts can be generated directly from PivotTables. Example: extended_report.xlsextended_report.xls
Creating a PivotTable Excel Data>PivotTable and PivotChart Report Choose source of data & data range Select a static range Import Place data headings Example file: journals_example_sourcedata.xls journals_example_sourcedata.xls
Why XML? XML facilitates the importation of data into Excel. Allows the user to determine where the data “lands” when it’s imported – imperative for maintaining a consistent data format over time.
What is XML? Extensible Markup Language similar to HTML XML data tags label the structure (not the appearance) of the document Human-readable markup language XML documents must be translated by a separate program or application (e.g. Excel) - otherwise, they’ll appear as marked up text.
What does it look like? Example file: sjp_07.xmlsjp_07.xml
How do I get it into Excel? Open Excel Select Data>XML>Import Example: import sjp_07.xml into Excelsjp_07.xml
Using XML in Excel Select data to be imported Assign data positions (map elements) Change field names
Adding new data Data>XML>XML Map Properties For example: Overwrite ( h.xml) h.xml Append (
Who provides XML? From Annual Reviews Blackwell Publishing CSA Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Mary Ann Liebert MIT Press Monash University ePress Morgan & Claypool Publishers Optimal iQ ProQuest Information and Learning Scitation - AIP Publishing Services Symposium Journals University of California Press Others OVID Project Muse
Help! Some resources: lib-stats listserv: "Lib-Stats hosts information useful for the analysis of usage statistics in academic (and other) libraries. Current issues are debated on the lib-stats mailing list." To sign up for the mailing list, send an to lib- lib-stats listservlib-statslib- microsoft.public.excel: From Google groups. A general discussion group for Excel users. More specialized groups are also listed in Google groups. A good source for VBA macros. microsoft.public.excel OzGrid Forum: A good source for Excel tips and VBA macros. OzGrid Forum
Additional Information ources.html ources.html Stats resources Example files PivotTable Tutorial PivotTable Tutorial