Computer Animation 2D Animation
How do I develop key-frame animations in 2D applications? Definition: Characteristics: Non-Examples: Examples: Key-frame Animation Set a key at a given frame, move to another frame and set another key. Computer calculates change in between Defines the starting and end points of any smooth transition. Simple movement, rotation, size, color, transparency and shape changes in an animation Stop motion animation like Pivot where key is placed on every frame
Vocabulary Key-Assist Animation- Step above stop motion. Keys placed in timeline with computer calculating in between motion. Lead Animation- Main animation, lead animators develop character, animations. Interpolations (IPO)- Actual animation. IPOs can be displayed in graphs. A value of change.
How do I develop stick-figure animations in Pivot? Stop Motion Animation Vocabulary Lines- Straight Pivot Character Segment Segments- 2 types of Pivot components: lines and circles Joints- Pivot point in a character Figures- Actors in Pivot Animated GIF files- Type of animated picture file. Only supports 256 colors.
Flash Key-Framing Animation Vocabulary How do I utilize Adobe Flash to complete industry standard animations used in web and advertising applications? Flash Key-Framing Animation Vocabulary Object Based Animation- New method in Flash that allows you to easily adjust animation between keyframes (as opposed to “Classic” frame tweens) Kinematics- Process used in animating chains (bones) Transformers- Used to scale, rotate and skew objects Timelines- Display time as frames and keyframes for the animation Tweening- Changing over time (i.e. shape, location color)