Creating Pivot Charts from ClassesSummaryClassCode Files Revised Mar 24, 2011
Drop xlsm and mdb files into the same directory as your ClassesSummaryClassCode.csv file OR Copy summary file into same folder as these files (overwrite sample csv file) Need to name your ClassesSummaryClassCode.csv file exactly as such (i.e. no dates, region names, etc.)
Manually update the link to linked table (ClassesSummaryClasscode.csv)in Access (R6_Forest_PivotChart_LUT.mdb) Right-click on linked table and choose LT manager -Select both -click OK -Browse for location of file
Run the Excel file (.xlsm) to begin making pivot tables and charts
1. Select a region -Can select only 1 region at a time 2. Area selection: Limits query to HUCs that intersect counties or National Forest 2b. Dropdown boxes become active on selection of AOI option Currently shows all units in a region regardless of whether there is data in the summary file 3. Timestep Groups: Helps limit # records for Excel pivot table -Averages results within a time group step -Output is written to a specific sheet, “PivotSheet” -Need to delete this before you can run new results -If you want to save existing results, copy sheet to a new sheet or workbook Minimize window to view/play with results 4. Select a grouping 5. Click to create pivot table and draft chart -This may take up to 5 min per pivot table depending on csv size (about 5 min for OEC) This form (Arid Lands version) opens automatically when you open Excel
Example Results Minimize window to view/play with results