Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear? Word Knowledge Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear? Open Court Anthology Grade 2 http://www.opencourtresources.com
Word Knowledge roam to wander rare unusual extraordinary soot ash dirt dust erupt explode blow up
Word Knowledge 1. roam rare soot erupt 2. protection imagination infection reflection 3. uncover uncertain unkind unwise 4. disappear dislike disbelief disagree 5. dinosaur for more swirl
1. Scientists use fossils to uncover clues about dinosaurs. 2. Dinosaurs were so huge that they could not burrow into the ground for warmth and protection. 3. A dinosaur might have eaten plants or animals.
Word Knowledge 1. roam rare soot erupt 2. protection imagination infection reflection 3. uncover uncertain unkind unwise 4. disappear dislike disbelief disagree 5. dinosaur for more swirl
Dinosaurs were so huge that they could not burrow into the ground for warmth and protection.
Build Background What do you know about why dinosaurs disappeared? In “Dinosaur Fossils” you learned that scientists learn about the creatures and the climate of the Earth of long ago from fossils. What do you know about why dinosaurs disappeared? Have you read any other books about the extinction of dinosaurs?
Build Background Genre: Expository Text What happened? For many years, dinosaurs roamed the earth. Then, they died out. What happened? Why did they disappear? Did egg-raiding species of animals do them in? Did a huge meteorite crash into the Earth?
Build Background Did egg-raiding species of animals do them in? Did a huge meteorite crash into the Earth? This story explores several scientific theories that explain why dinosaurs became extinct.
Do you know what a theory is? Build Background Do you know what a theory is? A theory is an idea explaining something. It is an opinion, or idea, based on facts, but not proven.
Expository Text Expository text gives information. It tells people something. It uses facts about real events or people. It presents information in a clear way. It gives events in the order in which they happen. It may be organized by topics.
Open Court Vocabulary for “Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?” Genre: Expository Text http://www.opencourtresources.com
The climate during the Ice Age was very cold. ( the normal weather conditions of a place ) The climate during the Ice Age was very cold.
A turtle’s shell gives it protection. ( the keeping of someone or something from harm ) A turtle’s shell gives it protection.
We can see the moisture of dew on the grass early in the morning. ( water or other liquid in the air or on a surface ) We can see the moisture of dew on the grass early in the morning.
Earthquakes made volcanoes erupt all over the world. ( to break out suddenly with force ) Earthquakes made volcanoes erupt all over the world.
The meteorite made a huge crater when it hit the Earth. ( large hole ) The meteorite made a huge crater when it hit the Earth.
Meteorites fall to the Earth pulled by Earth’s gravity. ( rocks from outer space) Meteorites fall to the Earth pulled by Earth’s gravity.
( something that is seen or found out for the first time ) discovery ( something that is seen or found out for the first time ) A new discovery gave scientists a new idea why the Earth became so cold.
The dinosaurs may have starved to death. ( had nothing to eat ) The dinosaurs may have starved to death.
( water or other liquid in the air or on a surface ) moisture ( water or other liquid in the air or on a surface )
( the normal weather conditions of a place ) climate ( the normal weather conditions of a place )
( to break out suddenly with force ) erupt ( to break out suddenly with force )
( rocks from outer space)
starved ( had nothing to eat )
( rocks from outer space)
( the keeping of someone or something from harm ) protection ( the keeping of someone or something from harm )
crater ( large hole )
“Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear?” Scientists have lots of theories (ideas), but we will never know for sure. You will have to decide which theory you agree with the most.
Why did the Dinosaurs Disappear? More vocabulary http://www.opencourtresources.com
Roam To wonder without a direction To travel without a purpose
disappear To vanish from sight
poisoned A harmful substance for a body
burrow A hole or tunnel in the ground
meteorite a huge stone or piece of metal that has reached the earth from outer space
crater the hole or pit in the ground
Comprehension Strategies Good Readers… Make Predictions Guess what will happen next based on what you have read or heard. “I predict that ___ will happen…” “I think ______ will happen…” Monitor and Clarify STOP and reread to determine the meaning of words and more difficult ideas or passages. “Wait a minute! I didn’t understand that. Let me stop and reread for clarity.” “I am confused by that. I need to clarify. Summarize Keep track of what you have read and focus on important details “At the beginning of the story…” “Then…”
Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear Clues Page ___- Problems Page ___- Wonderings Page ___-