Nicholas Crowe April 1, 2009 Education 5063
Children develop their own racial identity during preschool and elementary school years (Ramsay, 2003). Conservative estimates suggest children are watching at least 30 hours a week of TV. Advertisers believe that 2.5 million dollars is worth 30 seconds of advertising during the Superbowl. Imagine the impression that hour after hour of images can have on children. Disney cartoons are harmless, right?
ALADDIN LYRICS AND VIDEO PICTURE OF JAFAR Arabian Nights Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place Where the caravan camels roam Where it's flat and immense And the heat is intense It's barbaric, but hey, it's home Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place Where the caravan camels roam Where they cut off your ear If they don't like your face It's barbaric, but hey, it's home
Fluttering eyelashes, large eyes, tiny waist, big breasts, coy and shy yet coquettish (teases), usually white, petite. Often, the female characters seduce male characters. Submissive to the male characters. ( Snow White had to awakened by a man/ The theme of Beauty and The Beast was for the Beauty to put up with the rage of the beast and to change him into a Prince, etc.)
Abs, barrel chest, violent, strong chin and jaw, physically gifted, heroes are often white. Those that do not fit this image are the outcasts (LeFou). Movies often end with a battle between men over a female character (it goes without saying that relationships are always heterosexual).
“We have no obligation to make history, we have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective.” -Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney
1. What is normal and good? 2. Race was socially constructed to permit the profitable practice of the slavery. Do you think this construction continues and what does it allow us to do with a clear conscience ?
Jim Crow- content/uploads/2007/01/d umbo05.jpghttp://animated- content/uploads/2007/01/d umbo05.jpg Michael Eisener’s comments: ark/288E35D0-91E5-4EC7- B059-3D3D052375DB/ ark/288E35D0-91E5-4EC7- B059-3D3D052375DB/ Ramsey, P. (2003) Growing up with the contradictions of race and class. In C. Copple (Ed.), A world of difference: Readings on teaching young children in a diverse society (pp.24-28), Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children. Images: astimages/img/hercules_ 3.jpg astimages/img/hercules_ 3.jpg /article_15677_9-most- racist-disney- characters.html