Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Supporting ourselves and others.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Supporting ourselves and others

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Let’s draw…. In this exercise, we will spend time thinking about how we are feeling at the moment, whilst drawing (yes, I know it’s a long time since you did you any drawing!! Me too!) Just spend ten minutes or so enjoying your self with the paper and coloured pencils, and let your mind roam while drawing Try to draw something (it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else) which represents how you are feeling right now

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Now-share you drawing with a partner How did you feel while you were doing that? Does it look like you expected it to? Do you like what you see? How do you feel now? Have your feelings changed at all?

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Stress  A state of physical and/or psychological arousal  Often brought about by a perceived threat or challenge  May be expressed differently by different cultures

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Activity  Take a few moments to write down five things that help you relieve stress and feel calmer  Share these methods with the rest of the group

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Coping with Stress  Coping is a way to prevent, delay, avoid, or manage stress  Coping mechanism categories:  Changing the source of stress  Changing the view of the situation  Tolerating the stressor until it passes or becomes less troublesome

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Who can support you in your work as a volunteer educator? You may have a close friend or partner who is a good listener and who is willing to support you (someone you feel safe with and who will be there for you) You may work in a place where experienced staff are accessible and with whom you can share your thoughts and experiences You may belong to a voluntary organization where someone may be interested in your involvement as a volunteer educator You may know a GP, community nurse or other health or social care professional to discuss and share your role and work with You may like to think about sharing your telephone number, address, so you can help support each other Consider arranging for one to one support and group discussions, with time set aside after meetings, to reflect and support each other

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Brainstorming  What main attributes and skills should a volunteer educator have when offering support/ working with people in their community?  Spend 5 minutes brainstorming and writing down those characteristics which are likely to be required.

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others A possible list of attributes  Good Listening skills  Patient  Caring attitude  Trustworthy  Approachable  Non judgmental  Empathetic

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Listening skills Give total attention when one person is speaking, (eye contact, stillness, attention, body language) Avoid interruptions and giving advice (very tempting – however, this may stop their train of thought) Hearing what has been said. When the speaker has finished, repeat what you think they have meant Avoid offering solutions (even if you have been in a similar situation yourself. It may not be a good solution for others. It may also stop their train of thought) I’ve taken out a bracket after ‘yourself’ Remember silence is okay! (Especially if someone is gathering their thoughts to make sense of what they are trying to convey. Silence is also useful when someone is upset – it conveys acceptance of their feelings – for example of grief – rather than disapproval)

Module 2 Slides for Section 2.4 supporting ourselves and others Sympathy and empathy: what is the difference? Sympathy – implies feeling sorry for someone – not always a useful emotion or helpful to the other person Empathy – implies understanding by being one step removed from a situation. This enables more constructive and appropriate help and support, and removes some unhelpful emotions that could cloud your judgment