Transport your cat in a carrier Cats are often startled by loud noises or other pets, and, if you’re carrying your cat in your hands, you might not be able to hold on if it tries to get away. Cats that are allowed to roam freely in the car face the risk of severe injury should there be an accident.
Choose a hard-plastic carrier with a removable top Some cats resist going into a carrier. Removable tops make it easier to get your cat in and out of the carrier. This eliminates the need to force the cat inside, which makes you – and your cat – more relaxed.
Make the carrier a favorite place Some cats come to love their carriers. When they see them as safe, enjoyable places, they’re happy to go into them. Leave the carrier out in your home so your cat can access it at any time. Place a blanket or toy inside to make it more inviting. Occasionally lay a few treats inside the carrier
Make a trial run If the car ride alone seems to stress your cat, then take it on a few stress -free trial runs. Let them experience the sights and sounds while safely inside the carrier.
Positive reinforcement is the best way to modify feline behavior Making car rides in the carrier pleasant will help decrease your cat’s anxiety.