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OBJECTIVES Describe the importance of relationships to infant development Describe the importance of relationships to infant development Identify features of relationship- based programming Identify features of relationship- based programming Define attachment, it’s function and steps to build strong bonds Define attachment, it’s function and steps to build strong bonds
PHRASE # 1 1.What young children today need most is… a.Confidence to meet and communicate with new people in new situations b.Capacity to form deep, meaningful relationships that provide security and continuity
PHRASE # 2 1.Communication skills come from… a.Learning to make oneself understood to people who do not understand immediately b.Having many conversations with a few people whom the child knows well
PHRASE # 3 1.Young children should have true attachment relationships with adults… a.Only at home, not at preschool or child care b.At home but also at preschool or child care as a basis for secure learning there
PHRASE # 4 1.Young children need… a.Time together with a variety of people from different backgrounds and cultures b.To get to know a few people well and become part of a close group
QUOTE #1 The heart is the hub of all sacred places, go there and roam. ~ Bhagawan Nityananda
BORN DANCING Touch Touch Contingent Responsiveness Contingent Responsiveness Rhythmicity and Turn Taking Rhythmicity and Turn Taking Object Plan and Imitation Object Plan and Imitation
NEW STEPS Communicative Competence Communicative Competence Objects Have Permanence Objects Have Permanence Concepts of Relationships: Attachment Concepts of Relationships: Attachment Mobility Mobility
QUOTE #2 How must it affect infants when what they CAN do is not appreciated, and what they cannot do is expected? ~ Magda Gerber
MODEL CHILD Child-child relations PARENT The parent community CAREGIVER The caregiver community Child-parent relationship First Dance Child-caregiver relationship Extended Dance Caregiver-parent relationship Supportive Dance
ASSUMPTIONS Importance of relationships Importance of relationships Relationships matter Relationships matter The Right Way The Right Way Overall Quality Overall Quality
FEATURES 1 Communication Communication Primary Caregiver Primary Caregiver Low Ration Low Ration Continuity Continuity Caregiver Role Caregiver Role
FEATURES 2 Peer Relationships Peer Relationships Begin and End Begin and End Individualization Individualization Parent Relationships Parent Relationships Caregiver Relationships Caregiver Relationships Environment Environment
ATTACHMENT Evidence Evidence Build It Build It Undermine It Undermine It
BASIC NEEDS Response Response Communication Communication Imitation Imitation
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