UNIT & LESSON PLANNING The Role of Activity Theory
Definition of Activity Theory Activity theory views human cognition and behavior as tied to collectively organized artifact mediated acticvity systems. Activities are social practices oriented at objects. An entity becomes an object of activity when it meets a human need. Activity theory views human cognition and behavior as tied to collectively organized artifact mediated acticvity systems. Activities are social practices oriented at objects. An entity becomes an object of activity when it meets a human need.
Activities Activities are social practices that are goal oriented and mediated by artifacts (Engestrom, 1999; Beach, 2000; Wertsch, 1998) Activities are social practices that are goal oriented and mediated by artifacts (Engestrom, 1999; Beach, 2000; Wertsch, 1998) Activity theory in action reveals gaps in prior knowledge (dialogic) Activity theory in action reveals gaps in prior knowledge (dialogic)
Mediating Artifacts Mediating artifacts are tools and signs both external as well as mental models. Their functions and uses are in constant flux as the activity unfolds. Problem solving then is a collaborative activity that is dialogic. Different views collide and merge…. Mediating artifacts are tools and signs both external as well as mental models. Their functions and uses are in constant flux as the activity unfolds. Problem solving then is a collaborative activity that is dialogic. Different views collide and merge….
Artifacts as Psychological Tools Symbolic devices (texts, formulas, graphic organizers) E.g. “Elvis always did go broke eating (E, A, D, G, B, E) & other mnemonic devices
Artifacts in Activity Theory There are “no ideas but in things” (William Carlos Williams, 1949) There are “no ideas but in things” (William Carlos Williams, 1949) Artifacts shape discourse Artifacts shape discourse Artifacts & practical activity center learning on the learner Artifacts & practical activity center learning on the learner
William Carlos Williams XXI So much depends Upon A red wheel barrow Glazed with rain water Beside the white chickens
An Activity System The object of the activity The object of the activity Its mediating artifacts Its mediating artifacts Rules Rules Community Community Division of labor Division of labor
Reference Engestrom, Y. (1999). Activity formation as an alternative strategy of instruction. In Y. Engestrom, R. Miettinen, & R. Punamaki (Eds.), PERSPECTIVES ON ACTIVITY THEORY (pp ). New York: Cambridge University Press. Engestrom, Y. (1999). Activity formation as an alternative strategy of instruction. In Y. Engestrom, R. Miettinen, & R. Punamaki (Eds.), PERSPECTIVES ON ACTIVITY THEORY (pp ). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lessons Based on Activity Theory The goal is to confront learners with: “phenomena, situations, and tasks going beyond their actual possibilities to such a degree that a problem situation can arise” (Lompsher, 1999, p. 268). The goal is to confront learners with: “phenomena, situations, and tasks going beyond their actual possibilities to such a degree that a problem situation can arise” (Lompsher, 1999, p. 268). Important Lesson Elements: Important Lesson Elements: Prior knowledge is incomplete or flawed Prior knowledge is incomplete or flawed Students collectively engage in a goal-oriented activity Students collectively engage in a goal-oriented activity
Example Lesson-9th-Grade Health ACTIVITY: record your views of your current sleep patterns in a journal (artifact) ACTIVITY: record your views of your current sleep patterns in a journal (artifact) RESPONSE: keep a sleep pattern diary charting hours of sleep each night RESPONSE: keep a sleep pattern diary charting hours of sleep each night CONTEXT: small group discussion of charted sleep patterns & Internet resources on sleep patterns CONTEXT: small group discussion of charted sleep patterns & Internet resources on sleep patterns CONCEPTS: limited sleep = lowered concentration etc. (posters, presentations etc.) CONCEPTS: limited sleep = lowered concentration etc. (posters, presentations etc.)
Sleep Deprivation Effects of sleep deprivation lower concentration less learning dangers in driving
Mediating Artifacts (horse lead rope)
Tie Up a Horse Scenario: A large quarter horse has wandered into the room and your task is to tie-it safely Scenario: A large quarter horse has wandered into the room and your task is to tie-it safely Two volunteers (one to tie the horse, the other represents the horse) Two volunteers (one to tie the horse, the other represents the horse) Observers Observers
Rubric for Horse Tie Activity 2 the horse is safely tied with a quick release knot 1 the horse is tied with a non-quick release knot 0 the horse is left to roam free and may panic
ARCC A lesson and unit framework to guide planning, reflection, and evaluation A lesson and unit framework to guide planning, reflection, and evaluation Student inquiry is crucial in problem-based learning Student inquiry is crucial in problem-based learning Critical literacy elements should be incorporated when appropriate (e.g. history, English, science etc.) Critical literacy elements should be incorporated when appropriate (e.g. history, English, science etc.)
ARCC ARCC is a lesson framework denoting: ARCC is a lesson framework denoting: Activity (select activity and artifacts) Activity (select activity and artifacts) Response (select mode of response) Response (select mode of response) Context (use dyads or small groups; consider group dynamics) Context (use dyads or small groups; consider group dynamics) Concepts (Identify key concepts to be learned) Concepts (Identify key concepts to be learned)
Steering a Windsurfer You need to guide your windsurfer out of harms way… You need to guide your windsurfer out of harms way… A large ship is headed toward you A large ship is headed toward you How can you steer your board out of the ship’s path? How can you steer your board out of the ship’s path?
Reference Bean, T. W. (2002). Text comprehension: Navigating students’ prior knowledge in content teaching. In C. Roller (Ed.), READING RESEARCH Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Bean, T. W. (2002). Text comprehension: Navigating students’ prior knowledge in content teaching. In C. Roller (Ed.), READING RESEARCH Newark, DE: International Reading Association.