INM375 – Games Development Process 5-mins Pitch
Company Product 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas ▪ Target Group: ▪ Make the colour stand out
Game Concept (1/3) The Idea An action-adventure/survival game, set in an imaginary universe where everything is pictured in black and white. Our hero's quest is to find all the scattered Stapilo markers in order to gradually restore the vibrancy and the colour of the world. 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas
Game Concept (2/3) Story Outline ▪ Villain destroys colour machine ▪ Hero seeks in the wilderness: – For the missing markers – For resources to repair the machine… – …and to survive! ▪ Hero restores colour 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas
Game Concept (3/3) Moodboard 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas The Saboteur (EA, 2009) Sold 0.91m copies Don’t Starve (Klei Entertainment, 2013) Sold over 300k copies before release Team Fortress 2 (Valve, 2007) [1][2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7][8]
Market Analysis(1/2) Genre Engagement 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas ▪ Is this going to be a successful game? – Recent studies have shown that players aged 15-25, engage the most with action-adventure games 1
Market Analysis(2/2) Genre Market Share 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas ▪ Is this going to be a successful game? – By analysing the popularity of the genre over the years, we can conclude that action-adventure games have a constant market share over the years 1,2
Project Planning (1/2) Team & Budget Estimation 3 x Software Developers +1 x Level Designer +1 x Game Designer +1 x Animator + 1 x 3D Artist/Modeler +1 x Audio Engineer ____________________________________________ =£ Nov-13Jason Tzaidas Freelancers
Project Planning (2/2) Milestones 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas 0 weeks 3 weeks Complete design document 3 months Pre-Alpha Version Basic gameplay Indicative levels 6 months Alpha Version Fully functional gameplay Assets partially finished 9 months Beta version Complete level design Complete assets 11 months Code release Bug Fixing QA 12 months Product Release
Unique Features/USPs ▪ Simple control system ▪ Free roam exploration ▪ Cartoon-style graphics ▪ Resource gathering & crafting ▪ Time management (Day/Night cycle) ▪ Arouses the primitive instinct of survival ▪ 2 game modes (story and survival) – Only the colours that have been restored in story mode, will appear in survival mode. 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas
The game described in one line… 14-Nov-13Jason Tzaidas Explore.Collect.Survive Thank you!