Welcome Parents and Students!
If I am busy speaking to other parents and students, please feel free to watch this or roam my room.
Pronouncing my name…
Syllabi Pick up a syllabus for English III or English IV Honors
Parents’ Reference Sheets Pick up a reference sheet for English III or English IV Honors
Supplies Supply lists are on both the syllabus and reference sheets.
Contacting me… My contact information is on the course syllabus and parents’ reference sheet.
Contacting me… is the best format for me. I teach 6 periods and cannot discuss your child over the phone with others present.
Contacting me… Therefore, if you send me an , I can address questions and concerns more quickly than with a phone call.
Contacting me… However, you may call the school and leave a message. I will call as soon as I can.
Ways to be informed My Website! The address is on the syllabus and reference sheet
Ways to be informed Reminder 101 Both Parents and Students can sign up. See the syllabus and parents’ reference sheet for information.
Ways to be informed Parents, please me in the next few days. I like to have your address, so I can send quick notes, usually GOOD NEWS, about your student.
English III American Literature: Short stories, journals, poems, novels The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Old Man and the Sea Of Mice and Men The Great Gatsby
English IV British Literature: Short stories, journals, poems, novels Beowulf The Canterbury Tales Macbeth Wuthering Heights Alice in Wonderland
Homework Homework is unique to each class and sometimes each period. The only regularly scheduled assignments are vocabulary tests which are every 2 weeks. See my website for daily assignment listings.
My Goals for this Year My students Will increase their writing and reading skills Will learn some of the great works of American and British Literature Will be thoughtful about themselves and their education
Expectations Students will be Respectful Responsible Reasonable
Thanks For coming to see me. Have a good night!