The Uses of White Hat Hacking Tyler Schumacher
WhiteHat Website Security Statistics Report Spring 2009 – 7th Edition Majority of Websites Are Vulnerable
Black Hat Hackers Malicious Self-Serving Anonymous
Grey Hat Hackers Self-Satisfying Public Disclosure “Taggers”
White Hat Hackers Ethical Hackers Employed Former Grey or Black Hats
Risks and Limitations of Use Qualifications Risk of Relapse
Reasons to Use Knowledge of Tools Can Teach Staff Real World Experience Hackers Are Innovative
IT Professional Reactive Client List Does Not Think Like a Criminal White Hat Hacker Proactive No Qualifications Thinks Like a Criminal
Mainstream Use Law Enforcement HP Active Countermeasures UK.Government Contests
What Needs to be Done Studies of IT Professionals Get Statistics of White Hat Use Teach White Hat Hacking Methods
After presentation conclusion about how the sort of thing we do on the website is the sort of thing I think the school should start offering. It gets people to think the way hackers think, see things the they they see them so that we can better protect ourselves against them. Look up defcon tml