ICS Annual Report Doug Burbank, Director Bradley Hacker, Acting Director ICS statistics Centers Personnel New infrastructure Research
ICS Overview Goals foster interdisciplinary research that broadens understanding of physical, chemical & biological processes of Earth including interactions among solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, & biosphere that shape & impact life
Sichuan, M7.9 EQ, May 12, 2008 >67,000 deaths Natural Disasters
Mud volcano Sidoarjo, Java May 2006 covers 7 km 2 to depth of 20 m now 3 m/day; expected subsidence: 140 m Natural Disasters
Requests Up in Spite of Decreasing No. of Researchers funding requests professional researchers faculty
Steady Success Rate % funds granted
Increasing Number of Awards 90/year
Increasing Value of New Awards +$3M/year
Increasing Value of Administered Awards $12M/year
Long-Term Increase in Student Participation undergraduate students graduate students
– Tanya Atwater (NAS, tectonics) – Jim Boles (hydrocarbons) + Bodo Bookhagen (landscape evolution), former ICS postdoc, to Geography + John Cottle (tectonics & mass spectrometry) to Earth Science ± Bradley Hacker Personnel Changes
Research Highlights Geochronology Mineral Physics Earthquakes Volcanoes Tectonics
Unprecedented Precision with U–Pb Zircon Dissolution Geochronology Jim Mattinson
World Leaders in Lu/Hf Geochronology Andrew Kylander-Clark
High Spatial Precision Laser Ablation U–Pb Geochronology 100 m Andrew Kylander-Clark
Molecular Dynamics Simulations Show Core–Mantle Boundary Caused by Perovskite Breakdown Frank Spera
Subduction-Zone Seismicity Caused by Dehydration
Models of Magma Genesis Now Work
Pliocene Plate Motion Rifting Exhuming the Youngest Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks
Velocity Anisotropy Caused by Aligned Minerals
Predicted Ground Motion in So Cal Toshiro Tanimoto microns
Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) Data Center Southern California Earthquake Center’s (SCEC) Portable Broadband Instrument Center Network for Earthquake Engineering’s (NEES) Garner Valley site Wildlife Liquefaction Array site Borrego Valley Downhole Array Hollister Earthquake Observatory web search engine for worldwide earthquake strong-motion data Seismology Facilities
cosmogenic radionuclide processing major electron probe upgrade field-emission SEM with electron diffractometer femtosecond laser coupled to twin ICP (single collector + multicollector) mass spectrometers New Analytical Facilities