310KM Lab 4 Part 3 Tutorial Group:2 Student Name:Chan Nga Lok Fan Ka Yan Lo Yuen Ki Tsui Sui Wa
iPhone OS
Authentication of iPhone OS Authentication methods Password (MSCHAPv2) RSA SecureID CRYPTOCard x.509 Digital Certificates Shared secret
Authentication of iPhone OS 802.1x authentication protocols EAP-TLS EAP-TTLS EAP-FAST EAP-SIM PEAP v0, v1 LEAP
Authentication of iPhone OS For Wireless Network WPA2 Enterprise
Encryption of iPhone OS Hardware encryption AES 256 bit encoding Internet encryption SSL v3 TLS v1 Data encryption 128-bit AES encryption
Strengths of iPhone OS Objective-C, simple language to learn and use Huge amount of apps Accessible by everyone (e.g. VoiceOver) Multi-Touch interface
Weaknesses of iPhone OS NOT support Flash Safari NOT support Java Only one carrier Deleted data vulnerable to hacker
BlackBerry OS
Authentication of BlackBerry OS BlackBerry devices are content servers directly Most of the data are in the BlackBerry server but not device BlackBerry MDS Connection Service authenticates to content servers on behalf of BlackBerry devices Data will not leakage easily
Encryption of BlackBerry OS Data and message will encrypt by using Enterprise Server Express before sent AES / Triple Des data encryption method are used in the transmission process Decryption will be done after arrive terminal device
Strengths of BlackBerry OS Safety and convenience mail communication classification of the five programs navigation bar are useful and better then old interface WebKit browser engine improve the browsing efficiency with more social networking tools, allowing you to combine , Facebook and Twitter updates all in one place Delete SurePress function to simply the usage
Weaknesses of BlackBerry OS Number of Apps are still far behind user needs(BlackBerry: over 8000; Android: 70000; iPhone: ) New OS have no outstanding function compare to other OS Still do not support Flash
Android OS
Authentication & Encryption in Android OS Most Android applications use self-signed certificates still does not support hardware-based encryption Open-source Weakness Easier for hacker to take data off a Micro SD card Hacker can understand the underlying architecture and source code Cybercriminals will be rushing to take advantage
Authentication & Encryption in Android OS Strengths Developing enterprise encryption solutions for data Enforcing standard security policies User administration for predefined Active Directory and/or LDAP groups Remote application installation remote lock remote wipe advanced password rules More secure faster than a close OS
Strengths of Android Lies in the future
Strengths of Android OS Roadmap of Android OS cost of innovation is borne largely by Google Versatility Gathered up a group of some like minded partners
Weaknesses of Android OS Apps don’t look as sexy as the iPhone ones Inability to download apps to your micro SD card Competing against one another for shelf-space instead of the iPhone
Window Mobile OS
Authentication of Window Mobile Windows Mobile 5.0 uses ActiveSync desktop to connect to the corporate CA to receive the required user certificate and associated key Windows Mobile 6 implementing Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate-based authentication
Encryption of Window Mobile Windows Mobile 6.1 supports AES 128 Encryption for On Device Encryption. There is no way to export the Encryption Key The Encryption Key Changes on Hard Reset Device encryption can only be enabled via a security policy there is no way a user can enable this feature in Windows Mobile.
Encryption of Window Mobile Windows Mobile 6.0 onward supports AES 128 Encryption for files written to the SD card. There is no way to export the Encryption Key The Encryption Key Changes on Hard Resett
Strengths of Window Mobile Available apps: bringing apps into one central location User interface: turn into a user customizable dream interface Computer desktop integration: integrate with both Exchange Servers and with Outlook environments
Weaknesses of Window Mobile There's no copy and paste functionality. The OS doesn't support multitasking. There's no Flash support.
The chosen platform
Reasons Safety and convenience mail communication management of logistic need fast and secure WebKit browser engine improve the browsing efficiency convenience to check the stock With more social networking tools well communication
Recommendations Invite more programmers to create more applications Concentrate to develop in an unique function Develop new technology to support more medias, such as Flash
References _wars_iphone_vs_android_vs_blackberry everyone/ ew_details_of_android.htm google-io-walkup/ android_22_froyo_with_flash_player_101.html finally-gets-android-mobile-device-from-lg/
References android-winmo-is-better-than-you-think/ impressions-strengths-weaknesses-article html blackberry-torch-9800-review/ urity/showArticle.jhtml?articleID= Evaluating the iPhone as a Mobile Platform for People- Centric Sensing Application( by Emiliano Miluzzo en al)