Club Account Expenditure Voucher Associated Students, Inc.
Club Account Expenditure Voucher To correctly fill out a Club Account Expenditure Voucher, you need: –Name, Address, Phone Number of Check Payee –Date, Club Number, Club Name –Total Amount (numerical and written) –Detailed Explanation of Expenditure –Signature(s) of authorized club signers Attached to the Voucher must be: –An original, itemized receipt OR invoice WITHIN 90 days of today’s date –Proof of Payment/Event –Check Payee’s 204 Form
204 Form This form must be filled out for tax reporting purposes and to set up new vendors. –If Check Payee has been paid from Sonoma State before, they are not required to fill out another 204 form. Why? –A new vendor cannot be entered into our system without having a 204 form on file. Vendors must fill out the 204 form completely, –Including: Name, Address, Tax ID Number (or social security number for an individual), and Signature. To get a 204 Form, you can stop by the Student Union Information desk or you can get them in the Forms rack located throughout the building.
Also Necessary … If using a credit card, you must provide proof of payment –Copy of credit card –Copy of bank statement with name, account number, and transaction shown. If using money on supplies for a tournament/event, you must provide proof of event –A flyer –Schedule of events/games for the year, etc. This helps us ensure that the club money is being spent appropriately.
To Receive a Check Checks are written on a weekly basis Completed paperwork MUST be turned in before 5:00pm on Monday to receive a check on the Friday of the same week. Checks are ready each week by Friday after 1:00pm. The check payee will be notified through ORGSYNC when their check is ready. Checks can be picked up at the Student Union Information Desk. Make sure to bring Student ID when picking up a check.