Panchayati Raj Institutions Accounting Software PRIASoft Panchayati Raj Institutions Accounting Software
Objective Facilitate better financial management of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) by bringing about transparency and accountability in the maintenance of accounts thereby leading to better credibility and ultimately strengthening of PRIs
PRIASoft - Features Simplicity Simple & Easy to Use Focus on Schemes; Account Head details hidden as much as possible Double Entry Accounting concepts hidden from end users Panchayats only need to understand the use of four vouchers; all reports are generated automatically
PRIASoft - Features Standardization Based on the 4-tier Simplified Model Accounting Format recommended by C& AG Follows Double-Entry, Cash Basis of Accounting Central Government Schemes available uniformly across the country State Government Schemes available uniformly across the State
PRIASoft - Features Adaptability Security Availability Transparency Can be easily configured to meet State-Specifc Needs Can be used in State’s official language Security Data is passed over a secure network Audit logs of all transaction data maintained by the system Availability Web-based software, available 24X7 Transparency Reports available in public domain
PRIASoft - Features Two Stage Data Entry Operator Administrator Alerts on Important Transactions Thru SMS E-mail
PRIASoft Sections Master Entry Transactions Period End Procedures Captures the Master Data (Account Heads / Bank / Treasury /Post Office / Scheme / Stock 4 Vouchers (Receipt/Payment/Contra/Journal) Bank / Treasury / Post Office Reconciliation Receivables /Payables Period End Procedures Reports Day Book Closing Month Book Closing Year Book Closing 8 Formats prescribed by C & AG Additional Accounting Reports such as Ledger Book, Journal Book etc.
PRIASoft WorkFlow CAG State AG/PR Accounting Unit Define Central Schemes Define Head of Accounts (Major, Minor and sub-heads for GoI Schemes) Define State Schemes Define Sub Heads for State Govt. Schemes and Object Heads Identify Banks Define District and Sub Treasury (at District Level) Define Treasury Accounts Define Bank Branch Define Bank Accounts Define Post Office Define PO Accounts Issue Cheque Book (Treasury/Bank/PO) Define Employees Define Agencies Define Resident Budget Estimate Initial Revised Opening Balance Stock Balance Receipt Voucher Payment Voucher Contra Voucher Journal Voucher Bank/Treasury/Post Reconciliation Receivables/payables Stock Issue/Sale Details
Opening Balance Every Panchayat that decides to use PRIASoft should first prepare a Statement of Affairs and then enter the same in PRIASoft as Opening Balance. Opening Balance can be modified till the first Day Book is closed The System provides provision to enter Opening Balances of amounts available in Own Fund and Schemes Balances available in Cash in Hand and various accounts in Bank, Treasury and Post Office under various schemes can be recorded. OB of any advances given to employees and agencies under own funds/schemes can also be recorded Opening Balance for subsequent years are automatically calculated by the system
Voucher Entries 4 Types of Voucher Entries are possible: Receipt Voucher Payment Voucher Contra Voucher Journal Voucher
Receipt Voucher A Receipt Voucher would be required by a Panchayat to record or capture the details of any inflow of funds for the Panchayat. Panchayati Raj Institutions may receive money as Direct Receipt Transfer Receipt (money transferred to them by other PRIs) Advance given by other panchayats to do deposit work Refund of Advance Refund of Excess Payment Cancellation of Cheques
Payment Voucher A Payment Voucher would be required by a Panchayat employee to record the details of any outflow of funds from the Panchayat The outflow of funds incurred by the Panchayat could be related to Actual Expenditure incurred by the Panchayat Transfer of Funds to other Panchayats Payment of Advance to other Panchayats, Line Departments, Agencies or Employees PRIASoft also allows cancellation of receipts through Payment voucher
Payment Voucher Payment Voucher can also be used to record adjustment of Advances recorded in OB Advances made through Payment Voucher Stock Advances Various deductions such as Royalty, VAT etc.
Work/Case Record PRIASoft allows the Panchayat to capture the details of Work Expenditure can be booked against a specific work Advance can be given by Panchayat to another on a specific work Expenditure on a work can be booked under more than one source of fund (scheme or own funds), as specified in the work approval details
Contra Voucher A Contra Voucher would be required by the Panchayat to record any transactions occurring between cash-in-hand and bank/treasury/post office and vice versa and also between two bank/treasury/post office accounts. Contra voucher can only be used to record the transactions that occur within a scheme or its components
Journal Voucher Journal Voucher would be needed by a Panchayat to record any book adjustment (from one Account Head to another Account Head) Journal Voucher can be used by Panchayats to do Receipt Rectification Payment Rectification Advance Rectification Adjustments Deductions
Period End Procedures Following Period End Procedures can be carried out through PRIASoft Day Book Closing Monthly Cash Book Closing Annual Closing
Bank/PO/Treasury Reconciliation PRIASoft allows the Panchayat to compare its own Cash Book with Bank/PO/Treasury Pass Book and generate a reconciliation report Reconciliation can be done once in a month
Monthly Reconciliation Statement
Master Entry Set Financial Year Treasury Treasury Account Bank Branch Bank Account Post Office Post Office Account Opening Balance Cheque Books Employee Resident Agency Stock Work/Case Record
PRI-wise Reports Day Book Monthly Cash Book Scheme- wise Cash Book Ledger Book Scheme Wise Journal Book Scheme Wise Cheque Receipt Details Scheme Wise Cheque Issued Details Register of Advances Register of Receivables and Payables Annual Receipt and payment Account Consolidate Abstract Register Monthly Reconciliation Statement Stock Register Closing Balance Report Head of Accounts
Day Book
Monthly cash Book
Scheme-Wise Cash Book
Ledger Book
Scheme-Wise Journal Book
Register of Advances
Annual Receipt and Payment Account
Consolidated Abstract Register
Stock Register
Opening Balance Report
Head of Accounts
Consultations & Trainings Extensive consultations held with states to understand the requirements Six Regional Workshops held (Mysore, HP, Lucknow, Assam, Kolkata and Pune) Four National Workshops Held MoPR working out training strategy by empanelling agencies for training
Implementation Status Extensively tested by Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra Being used by Orissa, Maharashtra with Orissa leading the pack Several states such as Assam, HP, Chhattisgarh and AP have already issued orders for adoption MP has agreed to adopt PRIASoft and the Model Accounting Formats but formal order needs to be issued