New Utah WIC Food Packages A Change to Address Nutrition Needs Vendor Guidelines for Implementation
New Utah WIC Food Packages Consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 Consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 More fruits and vegetables More fruits and vegetables Emphasis on whole grains Emphasis on whole grains Lower saturated fat and cholesterol Lower saturated fat and cholesterol Provide foods that reinforce WIC nutrition education Provide foods that reinforce WIC nutrition education
New Utah WIC Food Packages Appeal to diverse populations Appeal to diverse populations Support and promote breastfeeding Support and promote breastfeeding Improve nutritional content of WIC foods Improve nutritional content of WIC foods
New Utah WIC Food Packages
New Foods include: Fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, canned) Fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, canned) Whole grain cereals Whole grain cereals Whole grain breads Whole grain breads Baby foods fruits and vegetables Baby foods fruits and vegetables Baby food meats Baby food meats Soy beverages Soy beverages Tofu Tofu
New Utah WIC Food Packages New Foods include: Brown rice Brown rice Bulgur Bulgur Oatmeal Oatmeal Soft corn and whole wheat tortillas Soft corn and whole wheat tortillas Canned beans Canned beans Canned salmon, sardines, and mackerel Canned salmon, sardines, and mackerel
New Utah WIC Food Packages How Does the New WIC Food Package Rule Affect Retailers?
New Utah WIC Food Packages Transact and process Cash- Value Vouchers for fruits and vegetables.
New Utah WIC Food Packages A cash-value voucher is a fixed-dollar amount check which is used by a WIC participant to obtain authorized fruits and vegetables (fresh, canned and/or frozen). Fixed cash-value amounts are set at $6, $8, and $10 (These amounts could be split over two or more vouchers).
New Utah WIC Food Packages Stock and transact the new WIC foods.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Minimum Inventory: At least two varieties of fruits, two varieties of vegetables, At least two varieties of fruits, two varieties of vegetables, At least one whole grain cereal authorized by the State agency At least one whole grain cereal authorized by the State agency Additional food inventory requirements sufficient to redeem the standard food instruments for the rest of the new foods (especially the baby foods), will be implemented. Additional food inventory requirements sufficient to redeem the standard food instruments for the rest of the new foods (especially the baby foods), will be implemented.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Fruits and Vegetables Fresh - Any variety, fresh, whole; (non organic). Fresh - Any variety, fresh, whole; (non organic). Canned - Juice or water packed without added sugars, no heavy syrup Canned - Juice or water packed without added sugars, no heavy syrup Frozen – As authorized Frozen – As authorized
New Utah WIC Food Packages Restrictions on Authorized Fruits and Vegetables No added sugars, salt, fats, oils. No added sugars, salt, fats, oils. No white potatoes (orange yams and sweet potatoes are allowed); No white potatoes (orange yams and sweet potatoes are allowed); No catsup or other condiments; No catsup or other condiments; No pickled vegetables and olives; No pickled vegetables and olives; No Soups No Soups
New Utah WIC Food Packages Baby Food Any variety of commercial infant food, fruit or vegetable only, single flavor, without added sugars, starches, or salt (i.e., sodium). Any variety of commercial infant food, fruit or vegetable only, single flavor, without added sugars, starches, or salt (i.e., sodium). Infant food meat with broth or with gravy. Any variety, single flavor. Infant food meat with broth or with gravy. Any variety, single flavor.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Whole wheat bread/Whole grain bread/Other whole unprocessed grains. Bread, Brown rice, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, and whole-grain barley without added sugars, fats, oils, or salt (i.e., sodium). May be instant-, quick-, or regular-cooking. Bread, Brown rice, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, and whole-grain barley without added sugars, fats, oils, or salt (i.e., sodium). May be instant-, quick-, or regular-cooking. Soft corn or whole wheat tortillas may be allowed at the State agency’s option. Whole grain must be the primary ingredient by weight. Soft corn or whole wheat tortillas may be allowed at the State agency’s option. Whole grain must be the primary ingredient by weight.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Whole wheat bread/Whole grain bread/Other whole unprocessed grains. Breakfast Cereals - Breakfast Cereals - At least half of the cereals authorized on a State agency’s food list must have whole grain as the primary ingredient by weight AND meet labeling requirements for making a health claim as a ‘‘whole grain food with moderate fat content’’
New Utah WIC Food Packages Canned Fish. Light tuna; Salmon, Sardines; Mackerel (N. Atlantic Scomber scombrus, or Chub Pacific Scomber japonicus); - May be packed in water or oil. Pack may include bones or skin. May be regular or lower in sodium content Light tuna; Salmon, Sardines; Mackerel (N. Atlantic Scomber scombrus, or Chub Pacific Scomber japonicus); - May be packed in water or oil. Pack may include bones or skin. May be regular or lower in sodium content
New Utah WIC Food Packages – as authorized Canned Beans – as authorized - Calcium-set tofu prepared with only calcium salts (e.g., calcium sulfate). May not contain added fats, sugars, oils, or sodium. Tofu - Calcium-set tofu prepared with only calcium salts (e.g., calcium sulfate). May not contain added fats, sugars, oils, or sodium. – as authorized Soy-based beverages – as authorized
New Utah WIC Food Packages The Utah WIC Authorized Food Card will define specific types, brands, and sizes that will be authorized.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Standard WIC Food Instruments No change to redemption procedures except for the addition of the new foods in the description line(s). There will be NO fruits or vegetables on a standard Utah WIC food instrument.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers Cash-value vouchers will contain ONLY fruits & vegetables.
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers The cash-value voucher may be redeemed up to the maximum amount printed in the description line. For example: $6.00, $8.00 or $10.00
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers The store cashier MUST write the total purchase of the actual transaction amount. (The actual cost of the fruit & vegetables) DO NOT exceed the maximum cash- value amount. DO NOT give cash back to the WIC customer if the difference is less than the maximum cash-value amount
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers DO NOT exceed the maximum cash-value voucher amount
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers Write the exact amount of the purchase
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers DO NOT provide cash back for a purchase under the maximum amount of the cash-value voucher
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers Obtain the authorized signature after placing the Total amount of the purchase in the “Pay Exactly” box
New Utah WIC Food Packages Redemption of Cash-value Vouchers Follow the same procedure as with a standard food instrument
New Utah WIC Food Packages Questions or Concerns? Please contact the Utah WIC Vendor Management Coordinator at or toll-free at WIC KIDS