People Soft Financials 8.4 Basic Training Revised 6/25/03
2 Welcome Are you in the Right Room ?? This class is for those of you that (at a minimum) utilize paper statements GA Query views – DV, VS, VO
3 Meeting Objectives PeopleSoft Financials going live 1 July What do I need to do/have? What is going to change/what not going to change? Review of Chart of Accounts Review new Journal Voucher Review new Reporting Tools Statement Views/EZQ
4 System Requirements This will run on your web browser Works best with Internet Explorer
5 Security Similar to the security for our current system - based on the Purpose chartfield Similar permissions are being applied Access for additional people must be requested Request access use web form
6 Security PS security will be a two step process: by page security (menu options) row security (purpose code) The URL is User Name will be UNIX name Password: Unix Password May need to change at
7 PHASE I General Ledger (GL) Module Includes Labor Allocation Module for salary distributions Accounts Payable (AP) Module Purchase Order (PO) Module July PHASE II Contracts & Grants Module Proposal Processing, Grant Reports Projects Module Facilities Accounts Receivable Module Cash Transmittals Billing Module Invoices PHASE II Contracts & Grants Module Proposal Processing, Grant Reports Projects Module Facilities Accounts Receivable Module Cash Transmittals Billing Module Invoices PHASE III (tentative) Budget Module Asset Management Module PHASE III (tentative) Budget Module Asset Management Module Phased Timeline
8 PHASE I July General Ledger (GL) Module Includes Labor Allocation Module for salary distributions Accounts Payable (AP) Module Purchase Order (PO) Module
9 PHASE I July 1, 2003 Use new PeopleSoft Processes for: Journal Vouchers (JVs) Purchase Requisitions Request for Check Cash Advances Business Expense Reports (BERs) Purchasing Card Reconciliations Reporting Chart of Accounts (COA) Maintenance Sheet During transition, you’ll receive the old and new versions
10 PHASE I July 1, 2003 Use legacy (old) Chart of Accounts for: Cash Transmittals Miscellaneous Billing Invoices Grants Management System (GMS) FAI (request for service) FFAR form
11 Current UD Account Code Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
12 Chartfield Comparison PeopleSoftUD Legacy AccountObject Code current UD account code Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
13 PSACCT Corresponds to 3 digit object code Classifies transactions as expenditure, revenue, asset, liability, or equity 6 alphanumeric characters Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
14 Chartfield Comparison PeopleSoftUD Legacy AccountObject Code ClassLine Number current UD account code Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
15 CLASS Corresponds to UD 3 digit salary line # A budget line associated with a position within the University 3 alpha or numeric characters Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
16 Chartfield Comparison PeopleSoftUD Legacy AccountObject Code ClassLine Number Purpose11 Digit Account current UD account code Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
17 PURPOSE Corresponds to UD 11-digit account code or UD 14-digit asset/liability account An activity that can have revenue, expense, and balance sheet components 10 or less alphanumeric characters Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
18 OTHER PeopleSoft CHARTFIELDS Fund Program Project Source DeptID User Defined Chartfield Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
19 Chartfield Road Map Chart of Accounts New Structure, New Language
20 Legacy Account Code PeopleSoft PURPOSE Chartfield PeopleSoft PURPOSE Chartfield Chart of Accounts Conversion Data
21 CROSSWALK A conversion tool is available to convert your UD legacy (old) account code to PeopleSoft Chartfields. Chart of Accounts Conversion Data
22 url is linked from web page where other good information is found! Chart of Accounts Conversion Data
27 New Chart of Accounts SPEEDTYPES Enter Speedtype (ex: “CHEM110000”) into Speedtype field and the following chartfields are filled in: Purpose Fund Program Project Source DeptID auto fill-in
28 CHEM17S OPBAL INST2 BLANK Purpose & Speedtype Account Fund Program Project Source Dept Id Chemistry Supplemental Funds Chart of Accounts Chartfield Mapping
29 Accounting Periods New Structure, New Language Accounting Periods are numbered 0=Beginning balance 1-12 for the months (July=1) 991 Second close (adjustment period) 992 Third Close (adjustment period)
30 MonthPeriod Beginning Balance0 July1 August2 September3 October4 November5 December6 January7 February8 March9 April10 May11 June (1 st close)12 2 nd close991 3 rd close992 Accounting Periods New Structure, New Language
31 Fiscal Year runs July 1 through June 30. FY 2004 = July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004 E.g and 1 mean July, 2003: this is accounting period number 1 in the 2004 fiscal year. It would correspond in the legacy system to activity reported on the statement of “ ” (July 31, 2003) Fiscal Year New Structure, New Language
32 Journal Voucher Introduction – this will be a web form blanks and forms for approval, will be accessed through Web Forms inbox all Web Forms will be in this inbox As an approver, you will receive the completed form in your archives Approval process the same as it is now for the HR forms
33 Journal Voucher
34 Journal Voucher
35 Journal Voucher
36 Journal Voucher
37 Journal Voucher
38 Journal Voucher approver’s view
39 Journal Voucher approver’s view
40 Budget Journal Budget Journal will be used for temporary budget revisions Until Phase II is implemented, contract or grant budget changes will continue to be handled in GMS as they are now
41 BREAK?? Need A…
42 Viewing Old Forms How will we view forms from the legacy system? OLD EZ-Forms: existing archive will be there through 6/2004; after that, TBD
43 Procurement forms Training will be provided by Procurement Services Routing on requisitions will work exactly as it does now Open order report will show any purchase orders that are in active status and the associated balance.
44 EZQs Simple public queries for everyday use Different types: Substitutes for GA-QRY Easy conversion tools Labor Allocation Module queries All report names start with EZQ
45 Reporting Use Query Viewer Set Query Viewer as a Favorite Predefined Queries Compare several to legacy system Only use Query Manager after you have had the Query Class.
47 EZQs for Lookups Convert old Account Codes to Purposes EZQ_ACCTPURPCONVERSION Prompts for department acronym and shows all Account Codes/Purpose in that department Convert old Object Codes to Accounts EZQ_OCACCOUNTCONVERSION Prompts for Object Code (or partial OC) and converts
48 Convert or Look Up Account Codes/ Purposes
50 Look up or convert Object Codes/Accounts
52 EZQ: GA Query Substitutes OLD NEW DVEZQ_DV_SPEEDTYPE VOEZQ_BAL_QUERY (for Purposes that don’t have budgets) EZQ_BAL_BGT (for Purposes that do have budgets) VSSeveral Substitutes Mark X for transEZQ_TRANS_QUERY
53 EZQ: GA Query Substitutes OLD NEW DVEZQ_DV_SPEEDTYPE Use to get descriptive information about a Speedtype. Remember, Speedtype and Purpose are almost always identical The exception to this is in academic departments, when one Purpose may have several Speedtypes associated with it. For example, the CHEM Purpose is referenced by these Speedtypes: CHEM for instruction and internal service CHEM11DRES for departmental (unfunded) research CHEM11PSRV for public service CHEM11MTCH for match
54 DV screen in GA Query
58 EZQ: GA Query Substitutes OLD NEW VOEZQ_BAL_QUERY for Purposes that don’t have budgets EZQ_BAL_BGT for Purposes that do have budgets These queries return one row of information for each PS Account.
59 VO for Purposes without Budgets
60 VO for Purposes without Budgets
61 Look up Account Detail for Purpose without Budget
63 VO for Purposes with Budgets
64 VO for Purposes with Budgets
65 Look up Account Detail for Purpose WITH Budget
67 EZQ: GA Query Substitutes OLD: VS Screen NEW EZQ_BAL_TOTAL for Purposes that don’t have budgets; just one total row that shows balance EZQ_BAL_BGT_SUMMARY for Purposes that do have budgets; one row for each Account Category EZQ_BAL_BGT_TOTAL for Purposes that do have budgets: Just one total row that shows balance EZQ_BAL_BGT_TOTAL_SPPT for Purposes that do have budgets: Just one total row that shows balance, and only includes PS Accounts for support
68 VS for Purposes without Budgets (pg 1/3)
69 VS for Purposes without Budgets (pg 2/3)
70 VS for Purposes without Budgets (pg 3/3)
71 Look up Purpose Balance for Purpose without Budget
73 VS for Purposes with Budgets (pg 1/3)
74 VS for Purposes with Budgets (pg 2/3)
75 VS for Purposes with Budgets (pg 3/3)
76 EZQ: VS Substitutes for Purposes with Budget THREE RELATED QUERIES for Purposes with Budgets EZQ_BAL_BGT_SUMMARY: One row for each Account Category EZQ_BAL_BGT_TOTAL: Just one total row that shows balance EZQ_BAL_BGT_TOTAL_SPPT : Just one total row that shows balance, and only includes PS Accounts for support
77 Look Up Account Summaries for Purposes with Budget
79 Look up Purpose Balances, In Total, for Purpose with Budget
81 Purpose Balances, in Total for Support Only, for Purpose with Budget
83 EZQ: GA Query Substitutes OLD NEW Mark X for transEZQ_TRANS_QUERY
84 Look up Transactions for a Purpose
86 Charge Expenses Correctly Two things for particular attention: Accounts Programs Charge expenses where they belong, not necessarily where budgeted Budget may reside in account Charges could be in another account Categorize expenses appropriately Program chart field allows for this
87 Charge Expenses Correctly Special Case for academic departments: budget will all be in CHEM Purpose and Speedtype, but an expense may be in CHEM11DRES Speedtype (CHEM Purpose and INST2 Program)
88 EZQs for LAM LAM = Labor Allocation Module More Detailed Training Available To see Distributions: EZQ_LAM_DISTRIB To see Obligations: EZQ_LAM_OBLIG
89 7 th Inning Stretch??
90 Monthly Account Statement (Paper) Paper statements will no longer be delivered Statements will be on-line
91 Old Statement (Paper) 1/3
92 Old Statement (Paper) 2/3
93 Old Statement (Paper) 3/3
94 Monthly Statements Two types: “Push” and “Pull” “Push” means statements are sent to you without action on your part. You then access them on-line. “Pull” means that you elect to run your statement report at the time of your choosing; this is an option that requires set-up and is beyond the scope of this Basic Training course.
95 “Push” Monthly Statements Designated recipients (see DV screen) This happens at the end of each accounting period (generally around the 5 th of the following month) Navigate to: Report Tools> Report Manager> Administration Tab
97 Under “View Reports For” set “Last” to 30 days. Click REFRESH button and you will see the reports that you ran (or were run for you) in the last 30 days.
98 “Push” Monthly Statements Click SAVE to have 30 days be your default period Select the report you want to see and click the blue VIEW link
99 Click on the blue link by the report you want to view, in this case, NURS xls This will bring up the monthly statement in an Excel window.
102 Know Thy Data Essential parts of learning to use the new financial system are learning what it contains what terminology is used where the data resides
103 A web-based data resource in the “Data and Terminology” tab. Begin with the online glossary, in which terms are defined and linked to:glossary A Data Dictionary of many of the most useful Records for writing queries.Data Dictionary Tables of values for very significant fields. Tables of values
104 Transition to July 1 The FY 03 close will occur in the old system Paper account statements will be distributed for 6/31/03 and 6/32/03 periods Budget Office will issue July 1, 2003 printed budget (report 680)
105 Further Help Labor Allocation Module used for 7/15 pay for fiscal employees; 9/15 pay for academic employees Additional training available Legacy (MVS) system can be accessed through October Come to us
107 UDFS Communication & Training Team
The End …or the beginning? Thanks for coming