Report Tile Training & Management Assistance Branch UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Deliverable Acceptance and Invoice Procedures
“Government likes to begin things - to declare grand new programs and causes. But good beginnings are not the measure of success. What matters in the end is completion. Performance. Results. Not just making promises, but making good on promises.” - George W. Bush Message from the President
Why are we changing the process? Clarify the three-party relationship Contractors perform work Clients approve deliverables TMA pays invoices Streamline the Process Comply with Prompt Payment Act Expedite Payment through the Center for Financial Services (CFS)
What is the new process? Contractor includes a Deliverable Receipt Form (DRF) with the deliverable to the Client Client completes (sign and date) and returns the DRF to Contractor If the deliverable is accepted, the Contractor submits an original proper invoice and completed DRF to Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a copy of the proper invoice with the completed DRF to TMA Once the TMA project manager has validated both the invoice and the DRF, payment will be authorized
What is the new process? Contact the TMA Contract Officer Representative (COR) at (202) for invoice inquiries (ex: receipt of invoice and payment status, etc…) The COR will provide the requested information or direct you to the CFO point of contact (POC) in a timely manner
Timeline for Payment of TMA Vendor Invoices CFS clocks invoice, scans it, reviews it for required info, logs it in GFIS (V1), starts the payment voucher and requests receiving report from program office. Program office reviews invoice for content within 20 days from login date and either rejects (notifies CFS of rejection) or completes GFIS receiving report. CFS links receiving report to invoice voucher and purchase order through the payment voucher (PV). Government Financial Information System (GFIS) sweeps up all processed PVs due for payment and schedules them for transmission to Treasury OPM schedules payments for the 45 th day, to allow extra time for any unexpected problems. Calendar Days Days 1-4 Days 5-20 Days Days Days 30-45
Details … Standards Process Guidelines
Documentation of Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Project code and title TMA prime contractor name and management plan title Work order, task order and any amendment numbers Task number, name and brief deliverable description
Documentation of Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Invoice amount (i.e. TMA’s cost) and date Total cost (i.e. invoice amount plus TMA’s fee) Indication that the delivery and invoice is “partial” or “final” [1] [1] Clear indication by the authorized client point of contact (POC) that they accept the deliverable(s) as received. [1][1] Partial deliveries are to include additional documentation supporting alignment with an approved partial payment schedule in the Management Plan.
Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Process A Deliverable Receipt Form (DRF) will accompany work and task orders generated by TMA and sent to the TMA prime contractor When the work has been delivered and ready for invoice, the DRF or equivalent form of deliverable acceptance will be initiated by the TMA prime contractor These documents are sent directly to the authorized client POC along with any supporting information
Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Process Client reviews the deliverable and receipt documents If satisfied, the client returns the deliverable acceptance to the TMA prime contractor indicating acceptance of the deliverable If the client has not received or does not accept the deliverable AND the TMA prime contractor is unable to correct the situation, then the TMA project manager will become engaged
Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Process Once the client’s POC has indicated acceptance of the deliverable(s), the TMA prime contractor may submit an invoice to TMA Deliverable acceptance (signed and dated DRF) must be included with the TMA prime contractor’s invoice to TMA Subcontractors are to communicate about deliverable acceptance and invoices only with their prime – not the client or TMA Invoices are not to be sent to the client
Deliverable Acceptance & Invoice Approval Process There are options for the deliverable acceptance format and means of transmittal The specific format and transmittal will be agreed by the TMA project manager, the client and the TMA prime at the Project Kickoff Meeting As circumstances change, additional discussion and agreement may be needed TMA project managers are prepared to take appropriate action to facilitate the acceptance and approval process
Guidelines Deliverable acceptance may be in any format that meets the standard and is mutually agreed upon by the client, the TMA prime contractor and TMA. Examples include: Original TMA-generated hardcopy DRF that will accompany work and task orders Excerpt from a TMA prime contractor prepared spreadsheet or other project management tool that contains the required information
Guidelines Any agreed method of transmittal between TMA prime contractor, client and TMA, is acceptable: or fax Hardcopy via USPS or delivery service Hardcopy or fax must have the authorized client Point of Contact (POC) signature must have the client’s name and contact information and be from the client’s recognized address The preferred transmittal between the contractor and TMA is electronic submission via to
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