AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 1
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AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 3 AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine - about the program Eligibility requirements Some program basics Contact information What we plan to cover today -
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 4 AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine A vehicle emissions testing program designed to identify (and assist to repair or replace) vehicles that do not meet air quality emission standards Administered as a part of the annual vehicle safety inspection Program is conducted in 16 counties What is ?
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 5 AirCheckTexas
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 6 AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Included counties: DALLAS/ FORT WORTH AREA –Collin –Dallas –Denton –Ellis –Johnson –Kaufman –Parker –Rockwall –Tarrant HOUSTON – GALVESTON – BRAZORIA AREA –Brazoria –Fort Bend – Galveston – Harris – Montgomery AUSTIN AREA – Travis – Williamson
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 7 Vehicle Requirements Gasoline powered 2 to 24 model years old –Vehicles 25 years old or older do not have to have emissions tests; however, they can be eligible for replacement vouchers Registered in program area
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 8 AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Vehicle Owner Income Eligibility: Net family income must be at or below 300% of 2007 federal poverty level Financial assistance provided: Up to $600 is available to repair a vehicle or up to $3,500 toward a replacement vehicle –$3000 for conventionally powered vehicle –$3500 for hybrid powered vehicle
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 9 AirCheckTexas TWO PARTS TO THE PROGRAM –REPAIR –REPLACEMENT –The financial eligibility is the same
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 10 Vehicle Repair Requirements have failed a vehicle emissions test within 30 days of application submittal have a current valid registration and have been registered in the program area 12 consecutive months preceding application have passed the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) safety portion of the inspection and/or provide assurance that actions will be taken to bring the vehicle into compliance with safety requirements be repaired at a DPS Recognized Emissions Repair Facility (RERF) MUST -
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 11 Vehicle Retirement Requirements Part 1 Failed an emissions test within 30 days of application submittal and the owner meets financial eligibility requirements (later slide) Registered in a program area for at least 12 months preceding the application Passed a DPS motor-vehicle safety inspection or safety and emissions inspection within 15 months of application
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 12 Vehicle Retirement Requirements Part 2 -OR- At least ten years old or older and gasoline powered and the owner meets financial eligibility requirements (later slide) Registered in the program area for at least 12 months preceding application Passed a DPS motor-vehicle safety inspection or safety and emissions inspection within 15 months of application
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 13 Vehicle Retirement Requirements Review Twelve month registration in program area (Travis registration – Travis County Program; Williamson registration – Williamson County Program) Passed a DPS motor-vehicle inspection within 15 months Failed an emissions test within 30 days of application submittal At least ten years old or older and gasoline powered OR
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 14 Vehicle Owner Financial Eligibility Net family income must be at or below 300% of federal poverty rate. Family of 1: $30,630 Family of 5: $72,390 Family of 2: $41,070Family of 6: $82,830 Family of 3: $51,510Family of 7: $93,270 Family of 4: $61,950Family of 8: $103,710 Over 8Add $10,400 for each additional member OR – qualify by being eligible under a Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission program – WIC, Medicaid, food stamps
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 15 Vehicle Financial Assistance $3,000 for a car, current model year or the previous three model years $3,000 for a truck, current model year or the previous two model years $ 3,500 for hybrid vehicle of current or previous model year NOTE: Program rules define minivans and most models of SUVs as a “car”
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 16 Criteria for Replacement Vehicles Federal Tier 2, Bin 5 or cleaner certification 10,000 pounds or less (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) $ 25,000 or less – as reported on the application for title – Line 21-a
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 17 How Does the Dealer Account for the Voucher? As a grant the voucher funds are non-taxable Should be reported on line 21-b on Form 130-U, “Application for Texas Certificate of Title”
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 18 Texas Certificate of Title
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AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 20 What additional documents are needed? Voucher issued by the program administrator The TCEQ “AirCheck Texas Vehicle Transfer Manifest”
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AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 23 Automobile Dealer Program Participation Requirements 1. Contact the local program administrator office in your area to become a participating dealer. Telephone numbers for the local program administrator offices are: –Travis County - (512) –Williamson County -(800) or (512) Complete and sign an agreement to become a participating dealer. 3. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will maintain a list of participating dealers on the website.
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page Dealerships and salespersons should familiarize themselves with the list of vehicles that meet the emission requirements and are eligible for sale through the program. The current list can be found at 5. The sales price of the replacement vehicle cannot exceed $25,000 as documented on line 21(a) of the Application for Texas Certificate of Title. Automobile Dealer Program Participation Requirements
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 25 Automobile Dealer Program Participation Requirements 6. A customer will present the automobile dealer with (1) a voucher issued by the local program administrator and (2) a signed AirCheckTexas Retired Vehicle Manifest – accompanied by the to-be-retired vehicle with title. (issue: the person still has a note on the to-be-retired vehicle) 7. The customer purchases a replacement vehicle. 8. The dealer will deliver the retired vehicle to a participating dismantler at no cost. An eligible dismantler list will be maintained by TCEQ.
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 26 Automobile Dealer Program Participation Requirements 9. The dealer signs the Retired Vehicle Manifest, obtains signature from dismantler representative and gives the vehicle and this manifest to the dismantler. 10. The dealer then mails/provides the goldenrod copy to the program administrator along with the voucher, in order to receive reimbursement for the voucher amount. Dealer keeps a photocopy for his records.
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 27 Automobile Dealer Program Participation Requirements 11. The dealer will receive the completed manifest from the dismantler certifying that the vehicle has been destroyed. The dealer keeps the green copy for its records and mails the original white copy to the program administrator. 12. The dealer must retain record of the green copy of the Retired Vehicle Manifest for a minimum of 3 years.
AirCheckTexas Drive A Clean Machine Page 28 CONTACT INFORMATION For more information, check the web: – Statewide – Travis County – Williamson County
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