Reproductive Health Vouchers Improving Women’s Access to Emergency RH Services in the Violence Affected Areas in Syria IAWG Global Meeting February 2015 Dead Sea
Fatima Sufferings
3 Overview: Humanitarian Needs and Response DemandSupply Access? Quality? -Affected people 12.2 million -3 million women of reproductive age -7.6 million Internally Displaced People (IDP) -488,000 pregnant women -300,000 families needs PSS/PFA -34,000 of GBV survivors -Information and awareness raising -RH /GBV services via static and outreach mobile clinics -Basic services/shelters -Implementing partners -UNFPA CO in the region -28 mobile teams -350,000 women received RH/EMOC -118,000 families /women received with PSS/PFA services -140,000 dignity kits -960 relief workers and volunteers were trained on PSS/PFA -18,000 RH vouchers -RH equipment and supplies (RH kits) -Needs assessment of affected people??? -Most vulnerable groups? -Cross line/border operation -Targeting easy to reach people/ places -Resources ??? -Monitoring -Visibility
4 Humanitarian Response Strategies Improve Access to RH and PSS STRATEGY 1: Maintaining the institutional framework for social services, especially health STRATEGY 3: Partnership STRATEGY 5: Outreach Programs ( Hubs and Mobile teams- RH vouchers) STRATEGY 4: Evidence based response STRATEGY 2: Capacity Building ( RHCS and Training)
Security conditions “Militarization” of Health care One health system Vs. Multiple health systems Economic barriers Disrupted/ destroyed health facility Gender considerations Social norms ( home based delivery Vs. facility based delivery) Challenges hindering Access to RH Services
6 RH Vouchers Security barriers Tool/ mechanism Quality services Free of charge services Cost barriers
RH Voucher Document
Advocacy of RH Vouchers Selection of Implementing Partners Capacity building Piloting the RH voucher Demand Based Finance Mechanism Monitoring Components of Implementation Strategy
Partners of RH Vouchers MOH High Relief Committee Local NGOs Mobile Teams 18- Private Hospitals 4- MoH- MoHE Hospitals Special Award on Partnerships
Evidence Based Revision and Development of the RH voucher System
18,000 women received services through vouchers Increase in the use of anti-post natal care, and institutional delivery RH Vouchers allowed women to choose providers Improved equitable access to RH services Better staff and women satisfaction Less turn over of RH professionals Key Results
Targeting of population most in need of the RH vouchers Controlling the overbilling and unnecessary procedures, Persistent security barriers and difficulties in accessing health facilities Difficulty to monitor private sector hospitals Confusion that the vouchers are designed only for delivery Resources Challenges
The RH voucher program reduced the delays to RH services at the community and institution services The RH voucher acted as a catalyst for improvements of quality of maternity care in both public and private sectors health facilities, Importance of entering into partnership with local and international Third party monitoring of the RH voucher is key for system improvement and accountability. Lessons Learnt
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