United Nations University United Nations Development Programme UNU Atlas Implementation Project Atlas Briefing Sessions – Tokyo Mar 2009 Requisitions, POs, Vouchers, and Transition Activity
Requisitions Requisitions can be entered into Atlas for any 2009 activity Includes both travel (i.e. PT-8/PT-8M) and standard goods and services procurement Must be approved by certifying officer –Remember to notify certifying officer via Notify option Requisitions (pre-encumbrance) do not count against available budget 2008 obligations and 2009 transition period activity for which obligation was recorded in FBPMS does not require a requisition to be recorded in Atlas –Certifying officer approval already obtained via signed request form as part of existing FBPMS process Page 2
Requisitions Requisitions can be entered into Atlas for any 2009 activity Includes both travel (i.e. PT-8/PT-8M) and standard goods and services procurement Must be approved by certifying officer –Remember to notify certifying officer via Notify option Requisitions (pre-encumbrance) do not count against available budget 2008 obligations and 2009 transition period activity for which obligation was recorded in FBPMS does not require a requisition to be recorded in Atlas –Certifying officer approval already obtained via signed request form as part of existing FBPMS process Page 3
Requisitions Requisitions can be entered into Atlas for any 2009 activity Includes both travel (i.e. PT-8/PT-8M) and standard goods and services procurement Must be approved by certifying officer –Remember to notify certifying officer via Notify option Requisitions (pre-encumbrance) do not count against available budget 2008 obligations and 2009 transition period activity for which obligation was recorded in FBPMS does not require a requisition to be recorded in Atlas –Certifying officer approval already obtained via signed request form as part of existing FBPMS process Page 4
Requisitions Requisitions can be entered into Atlas for any 2009 activity Includes both travel (i.e. PT-8/PT-8M) and standard goods and services procurement Must be approved by certifying officer –Remember to notify certifying officer via Notify option Requisitions (pre-encumbrance) do not count against available budget 2008 obligations and 2009 transition period activity for which obligation was recorded in FBPMS does not require a requisition to be recorded in Atlas –Certifying officer approval already obtained via signed request form as part of existing FBPMS process Page 5
Purchase Orders Purchase orders are generally not created directly –Copied from a Purchase Order –Released from a Procurement Contract –Exception is FBPMS transition activity Generally, Buyers and HR will create POs –General Users (requesting units) do not have access rights VAT (and other government reimbursable taxes paid) –VAT can be included on PO if known or can be added as line once voucher is created for disbursement –VAT treated as receivable from government –Use GL account code with operating unit and fund Page 6
Purchase Orders – 2008 Obligations Purchase orders are required to be entered into Atlas for all –2008 obligations that remain open after 31 Mar 2009 –2009 obligations processed on a transition basis in FBPMS (regardless of status after 31 Mar 2009) POs created (based on Contracts) for 2008 Obligations in Atlas should reflect: –PO Date of 31 Dec 2008 –Accounting Date of 31 Dec 2008 –GL Account of –Fund Code of (Core Pre-Atlas ULO) or (Non-core Pre-Atlas ULO) –Operating Unit, Department, Project, Activity, and Donor (Non-core) Amount of PO will not be recorded in the GL or encumbered in Commitment Control since already recorded in 2008 in FBPMS as obligation Page 7
Purchase Orders – Transition Period Requisition is not required if obligation was recorded and processed in FBPMS PO is entered by directly inputting on Add/Update PO or Express PO page Header –PO Date –FBPMS Date of Effect –Accounting Date – FBPMS Date of Effect –Buyer – Individual who processed procurement process or travel in FBPMS –PO Ref FBPMS- followed by FBPMS obligation number (e.g. FBPMS-HQ-2008-POD-O-00020) Header Defaults –Can optionally use to enter default distribution if single distribution for entire PO Line –Item Category – As appropriate –Description – As appropriate –Unit Price, Quantity, Amount – Same as FBPMS –Amount only flag – if applicable Page 8
Purchase Orders – 2008 and Transition Period Schedule –Ship To Location Distribution –ChartFields per table on next page –Location –Budget Date – Same as Accounting Date (default) –Asset Business Unit and Asset Profile Only if procurement meets asset guidelines Can be entered later manually Page 9
Purchase Orders – Distribution Transition period dist Page 10 AccountOperating Unit Fund Code DeptIdProject/ Activity Donor 2008 Core Obligation xx02100Varies Blank 2008 Non-Core Obligation xx10100Varies 2009 Core Obligation 7xxxx*6xx0xxxxVaries Blank 2009 Non-core Obligation 7xxxx*6xx1xxxxVaries Third Party Funded Amounts xx02000Varies Third Party * Leave blank to derive proper value based on item category/contract type
Purchase Order Approval and Budget Check All Purchase Orders must be approved by approving officer –Should verify all details before approving and ensure procurement is according to UNU and UN policies and procedures –Approvals include 2008 obligations and 2009 transition period activity For transition period activity, verify details in Atlas have been set up according to FBPMS details before approving in Atlas –Approver in Atlas does not have to represent approving officer who signed original FBPMS obligation document Budget Check –Prior year obligation POs (those against 21015) are not checked against budget and will be automatically marked as valid –POs against expenditure accounts (7xxxx) will be checked against available budget and marked valid if funds available If funds not available, must override or select different budget Page 11
Receipts Receipts generally required for: –Standard goods and services procurement –Airline tickets –Contracts for Services other than PSA Receipts not required for: –PSAs –DSA/Terminals POs for 2008 obligations –Should follow same rules as new 2009 activity –Receipts will need to be recorded for amounts disbursed via voucher during transition period, otherwise, match exception will require override –Should generally create receipts for transition period receipts based on signed receiving form –Receipts do not exist in FBPMS, so no need to record FBPMS reference in Atlas Page 12
Vouchers If voucher is tied to a PO, information that needs to be updated/reviewed after copy from PO and/or receipt includes: –Invoice Date –Accounting Date (if different from current date) –Invoice Id –Bank Defaults (Source Bank) –Review of ChartFields and Amounts on lines copied from POs VAT (and other government reimbursable taxes paid) –If not included on PO, add non-PO line to voucher with the + on the line level –VAT treated as receivable from government –Use GL account code with operating unit and fund –Credit from government later recorded as miscellaneous deposit Page 13
Voucher Source Bank (Bank Defaults) Need to ensure proper source bank (Bank Code and Bank Account Key) selected on Bank Defaults link System selects appropriate default automatically by business unit and/or vendor If change currency, must go into Bank Defaults to select the proper account based on the payment currency UNDP source banks can be selected once UNU is added to UNDP pay cycles –Replaces existing ASR mechanism –Should contact local UNDP office before approving voucher so they are aware of payment request Page 14
Vouchers – Transition Period Vouchers must be recorded for all transition period activity (Jan to Mar 2009) recorded and processed in FBPMS Manual payments recorded against vouchers to reflect payment based on FBPMS as payment source –Important to ensure transition period vouchers are not picked up in the Atlas Pay Cycle –Whoever runs pay cycle should review upon Payment Selection to ensure any vouchers with FBPMS in Invoice Id are excluded Header –Invoice Date and Accounting Date – FBPMS Date of Effect –Invoice Id FBPMS- followed by FBPMS voucher number (e.g. FBPMS-HQ/D/2009/02/ ) Line –Description – As appropriate –Unit Price, Quantity, Amount – Same as FBPMS Page 15
Vouchers – Transition Period Distribution –Appropriate ChartFields Account and fund or if charged against 2008 obligation Appropriate expenditure account (7xxxx) entered for all others –Budget Date – Same as Accounting Date (default) Page 16
Voucher Matching, Approval, and Budget Check Matching runs three times a day Match exceptions must be resolved if present Most common exception is “no receipt” Vouchers can only be approved once matched to Purchase Orders All vouchers must be approved, regardless of whether PO or non-PO related Use query UNU_VOUCHERS_AWAITING_APPROVAL to assist in approval –Shows all relevant details for review (including source bank) for vouchers that are awaiting approval Review for PO vouchers should be minimal given that the PO has already been approved by the Approving Officer –Should focus on source bank, non-PO lines, and final check of ChartFields Approver should ensure transition period activity contains FBPMS reference in Invoice Id field Page 17
Voucher Matching, Approval, and Budget Check Budget check must be completed after matching Vouchers against 2008 obligations (account 21015) are marked as valid automatically after budget check One vouchers is matched, approved, and budget checked valid, it can be picked up for posting and/or paid through the pay cycle Page 18
Vouchers – Transition Period – Manual Payments Manual payment should be recorded for any transition period activity already paid with FBPMS as the payment source Select source bank on Bank Defaults if not already set properly Change Payment Action from Schedule to Record on Payments tab –Enter Accounting Date and Payment Date as value date with bank –Enter Payment Reference as check number or transaction reference number with bank Page 19