??????????? Summer Read 4 Teens Read 5 books and be entered into a special prize draw. Prize : £50 Waterstones gift card You have from the 1 st July until September to complete this challenge. You are allowed to borrow 5 books from the school library for the summer holidays! There is a short form to fill in and bring back in September.
You can take a book to most places! Join in the Summer Read 4 Teens
You can read in sun or rain Borrow and Read 5 books from the library
You can relax reading at home Enter the prize draw for a £50 Waterstones gift voucher
You can borrow eBooks from the public library (sorry not for Kindles)
10% Waterstones voucher for entering Prize Draw £50 Waterstones gift voucher
Summer Read 4 Teens 1 st July onwards Waterstones Trowbridge 10% gift voucher Prize draw in September £50 Waterstones Gift Voucher Years 7-9