Repaso Direcciones: Write what the student will say in these situations. EN ESPAÑOL 1.Student has to use the washroom. 2.Student needs to know how to say something in Spanish. 3.Student needs a pen. 4.Student needs teacher to repeat something. 5.Student needs to know how to spell something. Make sure your phones and electronic devices are off and put away. ¡Muchas Gracias!
Fundraisers for Puerto Rico Trip Every Thursday after school Ms. Contreras will be having a dance class in room 168. $3 (Extra Credit Opportunity) Chili’s at 1750 W. 119 th St (Extra Credit Opportunity) –You will need a flyer to take and you will need to bring back your receipt.
el campeonato championship
la competencia competition
Competir (e => i) To compete
Estar empatado To be tied
Jugar (u => ue) en equipo To play on a team
Meter un gol To score a goal
el ciclismo Bicycle racing
La Vuelta a Francia The Tour de France
el premio Prize/Award
La Copa Mundial The World Cup
Los Juegos Ol í mpicos The Olympic Games
La Pista Track
La Red The Net
El Uniforme The Uniform
Un Atleta puede ser... Activo (a) Active Deportista Athletic Lento (a) Slow Musculoso (a) Muscular Fast Rápido (a)
¡Ay, por favor! Oh please!
¡Bravo! Bravo (good job)!
¡Dale! Come on!
¡Uy! Ughh!
Es Bueno… It’s Good…
Es Importante… It’s Important…
Es Necesario… It’s Necessary…
Hacer Ejercicio To Excercise
Mantenerse en Forma To Stay In Shape
Seguir (e => i) una dieta balanceada To follow a balanced diet
Saludable Healthy