Accounts Purchase Voucher Bill Passing ( Automatic )
File Covers the next cell of this flow chart Purchase indent Indent Approval Purchase Order PO checking PO Approval Gate Entry Quantity MRR QualityExcise Bill Passing Payment
Purchase Indent + Authorised PO, Authorised, GE, MRR,Quality OKExcise OK only then passed Proper Chain, and tracking
Auto calculation of Basic value, Rates From PO, Qnty from MRR Auto calculation of Excise As certified by Excise Auto calculation of VAT / CST as per P O Sub-Topics Covered
If Excise RG23 C – Capital Goods Automatically break 50%-50% Additional Control
If CST Purchase Automatically adds CST to Basic Purchase Cost Additional Control
If Traders invoice Option for Excise is “Inclusive” or Exclusive in Rates Additional Control
If Freight in Purchase Order Automatically credit given Additional Control
If Freight, CST etc Automatically Landed Cost increased for inventory Additional Control
Let see how the accounts Dept will work ?
Select the Finance Module
How many vouchers made ?
Pending in Accounts Report Automatic creation of this report Visible to Accounts Dept Visible to Purchase Dept Visible to Quality Dept Visible to Stores Dept All decision makers
Linking of MRR, GE QC and Accounts
Start the Accounts Voucher Fast : – Click the MRR and press SAVE Step by Step – Detailed things shown in next slides
Select “Voucher Entry” Button Then Select “Quick Voucher”
Select Purchase Code “50”
Select Vendor MRR No.
Select here for Rate Exclusive or Inclusive
Job done, but let us see some details now
We suggest, that even though it can be 100% automatic, Yet, proper review of following screens will be helpful to you
After the Accounts Bill Passing It hits the Trial Balance automatically Also the P and L Account and Balance Sheet You may proceed for vendor payment
Finsys Infotech Limited. New Delhi Office : Suite 200, 2F, Elegance Tower, Jasola Distt Centre, New Delhi, India Development Centre : TB-06, Crown Plaza Mall, Sector 15A, Faridabad, Haryana , India Mumbai Office : Unit 1, Level 2, B Wing, Regus, Times Square, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai, Pin India info[at]