Interagency Agreements LaShawn Davis Professional Intern Program Presentation
Interagency Agreements What can GSFC do to increase the effectiveness of administering and closing Interagency Agreements? Will escalating the issue(s) to higher levels of authority solve the problem of closing out Interagency Agreements?
Presentation Agenda Identify Current GuidanceIdentify Current Guidance Discuss Survey ResultsDiscuss Survey Results What is working? What is not working? Discuss RecommendationsDiscuss Recommendations
GSFC Procurement Policy in Place Today Procurement Circular 99-3 (dated August 28, 2000) Policy for Interagency Acquisition on Instructions, Administration, and Closeouts Located at:
Survey Questions 1. What is your approach (best practices) in closing out interagency agreements? 2. What are the element(s) that make it difficult to closeout interagency agreements, if any? 3. Do you prefer detailed guidance or your own method for closing out interagency agreements?
Best practices in administering and closing out Interagency Agreements? Monitoring Funds Monitoring Funds Communicating with COTR Communicating with COTR Issuing request for clearances and final Issuing request for clearances and final closing documents at expiration closing documents at expiration Dealing with discrepancies early Dealing with discrepancies early Ensuring files contain current information Ensuring files contain current information (contacts and agency reference numbers) (contacts and agency reference numbers)
Elements that make it difficult to closeout Interagency Agreements? Resources/COTR Procurement Accounting Key players in administering and closing out Interagency Agreements
Procurement Acceptance/Acknowledgement of agreement is not always in the file Acceptance/Acknowledgement of agreement is not always in the file Agency compliance with final billing article Agency compliance with final billing article File lacks current point of contact for agency File lacks current point of contact for agency Military requirements for MIPR and billing process Military requirements for MIPR and billing process
Final Billing Article Older Files: All billings under this order, including the final billing, shall be submitted to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center as soon as possible, but not later than six months after the period of performance has ended. Any funds remaining on the order after that time shall be deobligated. Current Guidance: The Servicing Agency shall submit a final voucher, invoice or other payment document within six months after the completion date of this order, unless some later date is established by mutual agreement.
Accounting Procurement Offices are not always notified when disbursements or credits (refunds) are processed in accounting Procurement Offices are not always notified when disbursements or credits (refunds) are processed in accounting Funds are deobligated without an action initiated or taken by Procurement Funds are deobligated without an action initiated or taken by Procurement
Resources/COTR PRs are not always accompanied by a proposal or justification to increase the estimated cost and funding PRs are not always accompanied by a proposal or justification to increase the estimated cost and funding
Recommendation for Procurement During Administration be proactive verifying that the other agency accepts the basic agreement and all modificationsDuring Administration be proactive verifying that the other agency accepts the basic agreement and all modifications Ensure agency accepts transfer of funds and invoices received in a timely manner Enforce Final Billing article Ensure file contains POC: name, address, and telephone/fax no. Ensure file contains agency’s tracking no. (Reference No. or JON)
Recommendation for Procurement continued Update the Procurement Circular for Interagency Acquisitions to include Military Requirements for MIPR and Billing ProcessUpdate the Procurement Circular for Interagency Acquisitions to include Military Requirements for MIPR and Billing Process Provide COTR delegation form for Interagency AcquisitionsProvide COTR delegation form for Interagency Acquisitions
Ensure procurement offices receive Interagency Agreement billing disbursements and creditsEnsure procurement offices receive Interagency Agreement billing disbursements and credits Provide procurement with a fiscal action complete noticeProvide procurement with a fiscal action complete notice Recommendation for Accounting
Recommendation for Resources/COTR All PR’s should accompany a proposal or justification to increase estimated cost on an Interagency Agreement.All PR’s should accompany a proposal or justification to increase estimated cost on an Interagency Agreement.
Workable – Being proactive in administering and closing out interagency agreements addresses issues and discrepancies early Desirable – Being proactive reduces friction between organizations internally and between NASA and other agencies Achievable –The key players can implement these recommendations for an effective overall process My Recommendations are
In conclusion, my recommendations will benefit NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in reducing ULO for interagency agreements. Increasing the levels of communication between procurement, accounting, and resources/COTR will lead to improvements for administering and closing out interagency agreements.
Team: Procurement, Accounting, and Resources/COTR
Acronym List COTR – Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative GSFC – Goddard Space Flight Center JON – Job Order Number MIPR- Military Purchase Request NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Agency POC – Point of Contact PR – Procurement Request