350 Wynn Drive Huntsville, AL Phone: (256) Fax: (256) RADIANCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: The information contained herein may not be used in whole or in part except for the limited purpose for which it was furnished. Do not distribute, duplicate, or reproduce in whole or in part without the prior written consent of an authorized official of Radiance. Exempt from disclosure to third parties under 5 USC 552(b)(4). 18 USC 1905 may apply. STTR Summit
RT Radiance Overview Radiance / University History Example of a Contract Pros and Cons Closing
RT Technology Small Business of the Year HSV/Madison County Small Business Administration Prime Contractor of the Year Region IV 2008 Inc th Fastest Growing Company, th Fastest Growing Company, th Fastest Growing Company, 2006 Overview Established 15 March 1999 Headquarters: Huntsville, AL Revenue: FY06 - $55.5M FY06 - $55.5M FY07 - $59.7M FY07 - $59.7M FY08 - $66.0M FY08 - $66.0M FY09 - $106M FY09 - $106M FY10 - $118M FY10 - $118M Clients: Predominantly Department of Defense and US Intelligence Community Professional Staff: 420 Full-Time Employees 420 Full-Time Employees 100% Employee Owned ISO 9001 Certified Average Growth Rate 16.5%
RT Radiance Technologies and South Dakota State University (SDSU) responded to a BAA for research in Alternative Power Technology During research of Microgrid and Photovoltaic, we developed a smart Microgrid controller This became the HAMPS Research Program. The DoD customer is Space and Missile Defense Command This program addresses a concern of the warfighter to reduce usage of fuel The team operates out of the SDSU’s facilities, with three Radiance employees onsite and the remainder of the team supported by SDSU Base one-year contract with Option 1 executed for an additional year Total contract was approximately $6 million Both distance between locations (Alabama and South Dakota) and weather were factors on this contract
RT HAMPS is a Hybrid Advanced Microgrid Power System that: Is A Separate Unit (about the size of the generator) that Augments Existing/Newly Deployed Generator Systems (Plug and Play) Contains a Battery Energy Storage System Supplies Back-up and Emergency Power Supplies Low Power Profile Demands; Uses Generator for recharge running at high efficiency Contains a “Smart” Power Management Controller that Optimizes Generator for High Efficiency Operation Saves Significant Amounts of Fuel (44% for TOC Profile) Reduces Generator Size and Run Time Reduces Logistical Footprint...transport, storage and security Tailorable to Match Generator Size and Mission Needs
RT Saves Fuel and Reduces Logistics Footprint o May Allow Use of Smaller Generator o Runs at Higher Load Factor o Reduces Wet Stacking and Maintenance o Reduces Runtime o Less Fuel Transport, Storage, Security...convoys, tankers, guards Provides Emergency/Back-up Power o During Commercial Power Grid Outages o During Generator Outages o During Routine Maintenance/Generator Change Out o During Periods of Silent Operation Compatible with Most Any Generator Compatible with Other Alternative Energy Sources Solar or Wind
RT Pros Cons Provides a conduit for the University’s research to fill customers needs…”connect the dots” We gain insight to leading edge research and development Ability to identify young, energetic, intelligent, and emerging workforce with time to see them in action Partnership works well with Industry's capability to augment the work requirements, i.e., supporting peeks in the workforce requirements Communication and schedule difference in University and Industry Delays as you work with students versus an experienced workforce Universities have non US Citizens who do not meet the requirements of a classified contract University’s process is not set up to meet the customers’ requirements, i.e., reporting system for tracking hours
RT Providing Universities with Military Expertise, Product Focus, and a Link to Commercial Applications of Technology The University of Mississippi Princeton University Thank you