Workforce Challenges: Some Background Data Bo Beaulieu Southern Rural Development Center Strengthening & Building Partnerships for Workforce Development Conference March 2-5, 2003
Employment Composition in the Nonmetro U.S., 1990 and
Percent of Jobs Generated by Each Sector in the Nonmetro U.S., % 10.1%
Average Earnings Per Job in the Goods Producing Sector NM: 66.5% of Metro NM: 60.8% of Metro NM Metro
Average Earnings Per Job in the Service Producing Sector NM: 70.7% of Metro NM: 65% of Metro NM Metro
Why the Increasing Gap in Average Earnings? $21,1677,067,4175,164,340Services $15,4274,828,5133,959,799Retail Trade $35,1844,324,0574,206,182Manufacturing 2000 Ave. Earnings No. Employed 2000 No. Employed 1990 NM Industry Type 60% of employment growth in the nonmetro U.S. between was linked to the Retail Trade and Services industries
Educational Attainment, (25+ years old)
Nonmetro Educational Attainment, by Race and Ethnicity African AmericansLatinos
Ranking of Graduation Rates by State StateRanking Graduation Rate, 1998 Georgia 5157% Tennessee 5059% Mississippi 49 60% District of Columbia 4860% Arizona 4760% Alabama 4662% Vermont 685% Pennsylvania 585% Nebraska 485% North Dakota 3 87% Wisconsin 287% Iowa 193% Source: High School Graduation Rates in the United States (November 2001),
Computer Access in Metro and Nonmetro Homes,by U.S. Regions,2001
Internet Users in Metro and Nonmetro Areas, by U.S. Regions, 2001
Top 20 Occupations Creating Most Jobs in FL 13.1% 86.9%
Ranking of Occupations Creating the Most Employment,
Top 20 Fastest Growing Occupations in FL 53.8% 46.2%
Ranking of Top Fastest Growing Occupations RankOccupationProj. GrowthRate of Growth (%) 1997 Ave. Earnings 1Computer support spec.22,300106$36,460 2Systems analyst27,15094$59,330 3Desktop publishing specialists 70082$30,600 4Computer engineers8,60073$67,300 5Hoist/winch operators1,50068$29,960 6Surgical technologists2,40067$29,020 7Paralegal/legal assistants6,30067$35,360 8Database administrators2,30062$51,990 9Medical assistants10,95061$23,000 10Packaging and filling machine operators 7,20060$19,660
New Job Slots Created, in Florida
Top 20 Occupations Creating Most Jobs in MS 31.3% 68.7%
Ranking of Occupations in MS Creating the Most Employment, RankOccupation Proj. GrowthRate of Growth (%) 1997 Ave. Earnings 1Cashiers6, $14,480 2Retail salesperson6, $17,970 3Machine setters/set-up operators 3,8909.5$25,530 4Registered nurses3, $41,400 5Gen. Managers/top executives 3, $60,960 6Truck drivers3, $28,580 7General office clerks2, $20,250 8Nursing aides2, $16,890 9First line supervisors, sales and related 2, $33,950 10All other sales and related2, $25,740
Top 20 Fastest Growing Occupations in MS 59.6% 40.4%
Ranking of Top Fastest Growing Occupations RankOccupationProj. GrowthRate of Growth (%) 1997 Ave. Earnings 1Religious directors20100$25,650 2Travel clerks10100$19,160 3Electronic pagination system operators $29,780 4Paralegal personnel $33,300 5Computer science related1, $47,450 6Systems analyst1, $51,360 7Medical appliance makers2066.7$26,030 8Manucurists5062.5$16,170 9Dry cleaning spotters3060.0$17,870 10Home health aides1, $17,290
New Job Slots Created, in Mississippi