DM The impact of Tekes and innovation activities 2013
Finnish wellbeing relies on the economic growth created by innovations DM Innovation activity is a key driver of economic growth and enables the funding of welfare services in the long term.
Innovation funding with proven impact DM of the 50 fastest- growing technology companies in Finland are Tekes customers In SMEs, an investment of one euro by Tekes produces of turnover annually For every of Tekes funding, one permanent job is created in the private sector 14,000€ For every euro invested by Tekes, companies increase their own R&D expenditure by 2 euros over 80 % Tekes Global Access Program (GAP ) has increased GDP by more than 20 M€ In the GAP Program, one euro invested by Tekes has generated 17 € Tekes has partly funded of well-known Finnish innovations in % 980 SMEs expect projects in 2012 to produce billion euros in turnover during the target year 1, Projects that were completed in 2012 resulted in patents or patent applications 21€840 Projects that were completed in 2012 produced academic theses Projects that were completed in 2012 generated products, services or processes of Tekes customers state that the Tekes funding was a significant factor in their success
Labour productivity in the private sector has collapsed in Finland due to structural changes Source: OECD STAN 2013 Labour productivity in industry and private services DM Index, 1995=100
Jobs in the private sector have decreased especially in industy Source: Statistics Finland, National Economics DM Work force, 1,000 persons
Public funding for R&D in companies Source: OECD, Research and Development Database DM %
Finland is the leading country in innovation cooperation between companies and research sector Source: Eurostat, Community Innovation Survey Tekes plays a significant role in creating innovation partnerships between companies, universities and research organisations DM % Share of innovating companies
Significance of various actors in early stages of SMEs Source: Tekes customer survey in 2012: SME projects that concluded in 2009 (number of companies that used the services in brackets) DM = No significance 100 = Indispensable Coming up with an invention that can be commercialised Starting a company
Significance of various actors in SME R&D activities Source: Tekes customer survey in 2012: SME projects concluded in 2009 (number of companies that used the services in brackets) Enabling vital R&D cooperation projects DM = No significance 100 = Indispensable Launching a company's own R&D efforts
Significance of various actors in the globalisation of SMEs Source: Tekes customer survey in 2012: SME projects concluded in 2009 (number of companies that used the services in brackets) Establishing international customer relationships DM Establishing international R&D partnerships 0 = No significance 100 = Indispensable
The productivity of Tekes customers has increased more compared to other companies in Finland Source: Etlatieto Oy, 2012 Growth in productivity in SMEs (3-250 employees ) DM Tekes customers received funding from Tekes in Companies in the comparison sample have not received funding from Tekes.
Tekes funding has played a crucial role in about one half of well-known innovations Source: VTT Sfinno database, surveys, 957 responses DM
Significance of Tekes funding is highlighted for innovations that are new in the global market Source: VTT Sfinno database, surveys, 662 responses DM
Tekes funding has had a significant impact on innovations based on public research Source: VTT Sfinno database, surveys, 194 responses DM
Results of completed projects Results of projects completed in 2012 520 new or improved products 400 new or improved services 340 new or improved production processes 980 patent applications 840 academic theses Total 1,590 completed projects DM
Over 50 percent of the SME projects funded by Tekes are commercially successful to a certain degree Source: Tekes customer survey in 2012 for projects that concluded in 2009 Projects funded by Tekes in small and medium-sized companies DM %
Every year approximately one percent of Tekes customers bankrupt DM Number of bankrupts Annually Tekes has approximately 5,000 customers which have received Tekes funding in the last five years or which have an outstanding Tekes loan. About one percent of these bankrupt every year. In all Finland, about one percent of companies bankrupt.
Young innovative companies (YIC) funded by Tekes have grown despite the recession Source: Rannikko, DM YIC companies funded by Tekes, 33 companies. Reference group: companies established in 2003 or later, not part of Vigo, YIC or Growth Channel groups, sales less than EUR 2.5 million in 2006 Average turnover in thousand euros
Tekes customers are successful DM Global Top 300 i.e. Finnish companies on the list of most innovative technology companies, all Tekes customers: Epicrystals HyperIn Kiosked Miradore Modz Ovelin Relaxbirth Senseg ThingLink In TOP 100 Kiosked Relaxbirth 10 fastest growing companies in Finland in 2013, 9 of which are Tekes customers (growth in 5 years, %): iLOQ (7 379 %) Multi Touch (4 024 %) Dream Broker Oy (2 231 %) Ecolane Finland (2 203 %) Alekstra (2 069 %) SLM Finland (1 832 %) Solinor (1 595 %) Valopaa (1 516 %) Paytrail (1 464 %) Eniram Ltd (1 514 %) Out of 50 fastest growing companies 49 are Tekes customers. Finnish companies on the list of European hottest start-up -companies, all financed by Tekes: Holvi Jolla Scartlet Motors Supercell Grand Cru Protogeo Walkbase Zen Robotis Indoor Atlas
According to an international comparison, Tekes is one of the world's leading innovation funders Source: Evaluation of Tekes – Final Report, Publications of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 22/ DM Tekes has enhanced the quality and capabilities of research. It has also increased cooperation and externality in addition to improve the international competitiveness and productivity of Finnish companies.
Tekes funding creates turnover and jobs DM For every euro invested by Tekes, companies increase their R&D expenditure by 2 euros. For every 14,000 euros of Tekes funding, one permanent job is created in the private sector.
Tekes funding increases cooperation and shares distributes the risks of innovation DM Tekes funding affects company strategies, cooperation between companies, and the challenge level, risks, quality and methods of projects. Tekes' financial incentives and programmes have had a major impact on the innovation cooperation of companies, universities and research institutes.